

dining hall

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1.餐厅 hall 大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道 dining hall 餐厅,食堂 classroom 教室 ...

2.食堂 hall 大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道 dining hall 餐厅,食堂 classroom 教室 ...

3.大餐厅 eating house 饮食店 dining hall 大餐厅,食堂 refectory (学校里的)餐厅 ...

4.饭厅 ninety num. 九十 dining hall 饭厅;饭堂 in front of 在……前面 ...

5.饭堂 ninety num. 九十 dining hall 饭厅;饭堂 in front of 在……前面 ...

6.学校餐厅 assistant 助教 dining hall 学校餐厅 auditorium 大礼堂 ...

7.餐厅配画餐厅配画Dining Hall)玄关走廊(Vestibule) 书房配画(Study) 办公室画(Office) 题材(Theme) 风景油画(Landscap…

8.斋堂上图,我以为斋堂(是Dining Hall)是给学员用膳的。结果狗胆儿子上前询问,外人可否同享?结果是随喜捐赠,游客亦可享用哦!! …


1.I began changing my opinion when I got to college, where bananas were often the only fresh fruit available in the dining hall.待上大学后我开始改变看法,那时候香蕉常常是食堂供应的唯一新鲜水果。

2.She came out of the building and, motioning for the men to follow, walked over to the dining hall next door.接着她来到屋外,示意他们跟着她来到餐厅,然后开始招待他们。

3.In the dining hall of a monastery in Milan, he painted one of his masterpieces, The Last Supper.在米兰大教堂的饭厅里,他画下了他的巨著之一,《最后的晚餐》。

4.We immediately began to swallow so fast that we finished our meals in one minute or two and rushed out of the dining hall.于是,我们两个人立即狼吞虎咽,风卷残云般地吃光了盘中的饭菜;大步流星地走出了餐厅。

5.At around ten past seven, we came out of our room to hear sounds of music coming from the direction of the dining hall.晚上七点十分左右,我们一走出房间,远远的就从餐厅方向传来音乐之声。

6.Back on the farm, I daydreamed about that dining hall chow and money in my pocket, and I felt compelled to check it out myself.回到农场以后,我做梦都想那里的餐厅和我口袋里的钱。

7.The novitiate and infirmary were housed in a Building with its own chapel, Bathhouse, dining hall, kitchen, and garden.见习修士的住房和医务室另外安排在一栋建筑里,有专用的小教堂、浴室、饭厅、厨房和花园等。

8.Underground fire pool and water pump room are settled outside of the building around the west of the dormitory dining hall.地下消防水池及水泵房设置在室外,靠近宿舍楼餐厅西侧位置;

9.Maybe the dining hall needed to make sure everyone in dining hall felt comfortable and did not feel crowd.他告诉我说食堂里面并不拥挤,可为什么把这么多人挡在外面呢?

10.I peeped inside my information packet, as a bunch of students walked to the dining hall for the next presentation.当大家都走往食堂去参加第二次迎新会的时候,我瞄了一眼我的信息包。