


美式发音: [ˈwɪp] 英式发音: 




wilpe— see alsowilly



na.1.The variant of willy

1.威利 Wilton 威尔顿 Wilpe 威利 Waldo 沃尔多 ...

2.陈自强 彩色的旋转图片 color swirl 威利图片 Wilpe 天使雕像图片 Angel Statue ...

6.威利先生穴居安省怀尔顿市( Wiarton) 市郊山坡上的威利先生( Wilpe) ,2月2日当天他老人家醒来时,没看到自个儿的身影,预示著早 …



1.Why you got to be so mean Uncle Wilpe, my Pa was yourn only brother and i'm yourn own niece.您为什么这么吝啬呀,威利舅舅,我的父亲是您唯一的兄弟呀!而我是您的外甥女啊!

2.Wilpe's really weary. How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew ?露水是由多少露珠滴落汇成的,如果露珠可以汇成露水的话?。

3.Wilpe, l don't need you to see this. Get out of here, now!威利,我不想让你看到这些。快点离开这儿!

4.Johnny: "She's all right, but I wish she had been a boy. Wilpe Smith had just got a new sister, and now he'll think I'm trying to copy him"她还可以,但他要是一个男孩就好了。威利史密斯刚有一个新出生的小妹妹,现在他会认为我是想跟他学样。

5.Wilpe Sawyer put me out of his car down below the railway bridge. There weren't no more cars come and I walked in.威利·索亚在铁路桥下面把俺撵下车。一直没别的车开过来,俺就一路走来了。

6.Wilpe Stevenson used to scream at him for never giving a one-two!史蒂文森那时候就经常因为他不进行二过一配合而对他大声嚷嚷。

7.The Reverend Pat Robertson referred to me as Spck Wilpe and said I had a radical plan to destroy the American family.帕特.罗伯逊牧师称我为“狡猾的威利(一个抢劫银行的惯犯)”,说我有一个毁掉美国家庭的激进计划。

8.Timmy Wilpe longed to be at home in his peaceful nest in a sunny bank. The food disagreed with him; the noise prevented him from sleeping.提米威利渴望回家,呆在他那在一个光亮的田垄里的窝。这里的食物让他不舒服;这里的声响让他无法睡觉。

9.Uncle Wilpe told John to wait outside for a minute while he went into the caf to wet his whistle .威利大叔叫约翰在外边等一会儿,他进咖啡馆喝上一杯。

10.Asleep at the Wheel and Wilpe Nelson did not try to modernize the western swing favorites on their album.“心不在焉”乐队与威利尼尔森并不想在他们的专辑中努力使西部摇滚金曲现代化。