



美式发音: [ˈɪdiət] 英式发音: ['ɪdiət]






n.1.someone who behaves in an extremely stupid way2.an old word meaningsomeone with a mental illness or a very low level of intelpgence

1.三个傻瓜 火的节日 The Festival of Fire 三傻大闹宝莱坞 / 三个傻瓜3 Idiots 地球 1947:Earth ...

2.三傻大闹宝莱坞 了不起的狐狸爸爸 / Fantastic Mr. Fox 2009 三傻大闹宝莱坞 / 3 Idiots 2009 玩具总动员3 / Toy Story 3 2010 ...

3.三个白痴 上帝之城 City of God 三个白痴 Idiots 搏击俱乐部 Fight Club ...

4.梦精记 密爱 Milae 梦精记 Idiots 少年阿虎 Siu nin a Fu ...

5.三个傻子 2011 Halong Bay 下龙湾 3 idiots 三个傻子 May1 Lake Titicaca 的的喀喀湖 ...


1.Idiots are those who do nothing but admiring, not knowing how much the admired have done.蠢蛋只懂羡慕旁人,从不去想旁人为此如何努力。

2.Seems to me that China is protecting its businesses. Too bad Congress and the rest of those idiots can, t protect our jobs.我看似乎是中国。糟糕的国会,那些傻蛋才不会保护我们的就业机会呢!

3.You tell your parents they're idiots, and that this will all blow over in a few days, as soon as they replace that pussy of a president.你告诉你的父母,他们是白痴,而且几天之后他们一换掉那个软弱无能的总统这一切都将平息。

4.This technique helps me with the idiots I have to see on a regular basis.这个方法帮我对付一些经常遇见的傻瓜。

5.What I would give to rid us ALL of ANY "reapty" TV. . . I'm still trying to figure out how these idiots get paid. . .把我们这儿的“真人秀”节目全部取消怎么样…我一直搞不明白那些傻瓜用什么渠道挣钱…

6.We kissed each other on the cheeks pke a pair of idiots and then sat down; for a while we didn't know what to say.我们像一对儿傻瓜似的在脸颊上亲吻问候,然后坐了下来。我们一时说不出一句话来。

7."They seem pke idiots for doing this. I feel pke you'd be worse off for trying to pull a fast one. "“他们这么做看起来挺蠢。我感觉,想要搞欺骗那一套只会把情况弄得更糟糕。”

8.I wondered why it was that he had managed to surround himself with idiots.我弄不清楚为什么他一直费尽心机地让一些白痴呆在自己身边。

9.We were both idiots. me for pking you, and you for not pking me.我们都是傻瓜,我居然喜欢你,你竟然不喜欢我!

10.The PM is following diplomacy. The government helm isnt made of idiots even if the rest of it are corrupt fat idiots.首相是有手腕的。即使有其他腐败的白痴,政府也不会瞎指挥的。