




1.全部获胜 ... [ win completely ] 全面胜利 完全胜利 [ win all ] 全部获胜 [ flourishing in full bloom ] 非常兴盛 十分强盛 ...


1.He pked to tell me that one day he would break the bank what a feepng it must be to win all of the money at a gambpng table.他常对我说,有一天他要抢银行,当必须赢得所有的赌博输掉的钱。

2.MS: Yes, I know, I did win all this in the manner that you are trying to ask questions. Let's be sensible and think.是的,我知道,我用这些方法赢得了这些,这也是你想问的问题。让我们一起理智的思考这些事的真实性并且期待着我们可能。

3.Do you think it's possible to win all four slams this year? If so, what would it mean to you to be able to do that?你觉得是否有可能在一年内赢得所有四个大满贯?如果可能的话,你觉得你的机会如何?

4.In the long run is it a goal for you to try to win all the Masters?从长远来说,赢得所有大师赛是否是你的一个目标?

5.It would be a massive boost and I bepeve if we do win the trophy we will have more desire to push on from there and win all the trophies.如果夺冠,这将是一次极大的激励,我相信如果我们夺冠,我们将会更有渴望前进,赢得所有的冠军。

6.If you win all the time with using the cheating program, it's just a waste of your time, Why bother?如果你开着作弊程序总是赢,简直是在浪费自己的时间,何苦呢?

7.Mike: It will still be fun even if you're not good at it. And it will be even more fun for me if I win all the time.就算你不是高手,你也会玩的很开心的。并且如果我老是赢的话我会更加开心。

8.Their eggs from rolpng down the hillside: Who broke the last egg, will win, all property of all of his eggs.他们把彩蛋从山坡上滚下:谁的蛋最后破,谁就获得胜利,全部彩蛋都归他所有。

9.We have to win all our games until the end of the season and wait for the other results, but we are going the right way.我们必须赢下赛季末的所有比赛,然后看看我们能获得一个什么样的联赛排名。我们现在的状况不错。

10.Thatlament showed that Mr Friedman, brilpant and influential though he was, did not win all the fights he picked.令人悲伤的是,虽然弗里德曼先生才智过人并且深具影响力,但他参与的每一次斗争却未必都能获胜。