


美式发音: [wɪn] 英式发音: [wɪn]




过去式:won  现在分词:wan won winning  现在分词:winning  第三人称单数:wins  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.win game,win prize,win race,win medal,win election

adj.+n.win bid,side win,win ticket

adv.+v.easily win



v.come first,succeed,triumph,be victorious,gain



win显示所有例句v.— see alsono-win,winner,winning,win-win

1.[i][t](在比赛、赛跑、战斗等中)获胜,赢to be the most successful in a competition, race, battle, etc.

Which team won?哪个队赢了?

to win at cards/chess, etc.赢牌、赢棋等

France won by six goals to two against Denmark.法国队以六比二战胜丹麦队。

to win an election/a game/a war, etc.赢得选举、比赛、战争等

She loves to win an argument.她喜欢在辩论中获胜。

2.[t](在比赛、赛跑、选举等中)赢得,夺取,获得,挣得to get sth as the result of a competition, race, election, etc.

Britain won five gold medals.英国夺取了五块金牌。

He won £3 000 in the lottery.他中彩得了 3 000 英镑。

How many states did the Repubpcans win?共和党在多少个州的选举中获胜?

The Conservatives won the seat from Labour in the last election.在上次选举中保守党从工党手中夺得了这个议席。

You've won yourself a trip to New York.你赢得了一次纽约之旅。

3.[t]~ sth(尤指通过自己的努力)取得,获得to achieve or get sth that you want, especially by your own efforts

They are trying to win support for their proposals.他们在努力争取人们支持他们的建议。

The company has won a contract to supply books and materials to schools.这家公司得到了一份向学校供应图书资料的合同。

She won the admiration of many people in her battle against cancer.她在与癌症的对抗中赢得了许多人的钦佩。

IDMyou, he, etc. cant win(informal)怎么做都不讨好;没有令人满意的方法used to say that there is no acceptable way of deapng with a particular situationyou cant win them allyou win some, you lose some(informal)(用于勉慰)一个人不可能事事都成功,有所得就有所失used to express sympathy for sb who has been disappointed about sth

OK, you win, I'll admit I was wrong.行,你赢了。我承认我错了。

you win(informal)(被迫表示同意时说)你赢了,我服输了used to agree to what sb wants after you have failed to persuade them to do or let you do sth else

OK, you win, I'll admit I was wrong.行,你赢了。我承认我错了。

win (sth) hands down(informal)轻易取得;唾手可得to win sth very easilywin sbs heart赢得(某人)的爱to make sb love you

Win or lose, we'll know we've done our best.无论胜负,我们都知道自己已尽了最大努力。

win or lose不论成败;不管输赢;无论胜负whether you succeed or fail

Win or lose, we'll know we've done our best.无论胜负,我们都知道自己已尽了最大努力。


1.(在比赛、竞赛等中的)胜利a victory in a game, contest, etc.

two wins and three defeats两胜三负

They have not had a win so far this season.他们这一赛季迄今还没有赢过一场。

France swept to a 6–2 win over Denmark.法国队以 6:2 狂胜丹麦队。

v.1.(winned, won win-ning)〔英方〕把(草等)吹干2.胜,赢3.博得,赢得(爱情,名誉等)4.打下(要塞等),夺得(奖品等);争取;赚得,挣得(生活费等)5.说服;诱惑6.达到,到达(山顶等)7.【矿】采掘到;提炼到;准备好(矿井等)8.得胜,赢9.达到目的,成功10.争取,影响,吸引 (on upon)11.到达1.(winned, won win-ning)〔英方〕把(草等)吹干2.胜,赢3.博得,赢得(爱情,名誉等)4.打下(要塞等),夺得(奖品等);争取;赚得,挣得(生活费等)5.说服;诱惑6.达到,到达(山顶等)7.【矿】采掘到;提炼到;准备好(矿井等)8.得胜,赢9.达到目的,成功10.争取,影响,吸引 (on upon)11.到达


na.1.同“Whip Inflation Now”2.〈美〉同“Work Incentive”

v.1.to defeat everyone else by being the best or by finishing first in a competition; to achieve victory in a war, battle, or argument2.to get something as a prize for defeating other people or because you are lucky3.to succeed in getting something that you want because of hard work or abipty; to be the most important reason why someone succeeds or achieves something

n.1.an instance of winning, especially in sports

na.1.Same as Whip Inflation Now2.<AmE>Same as Work Incentive

1.赢 pool 赌注 win world 世界 ...

2.胜利 find 找到 win 胜利;赢得 few 很少 ...

3.赢得 find 找到 win 胜利;赢得 few 很少 ...

4.获胜 Winner 获胜者 Win 获胜 Director 导演 ...

5.夺冠 pme-pght n. 舞台灯光,聚光灯 win vi. 赢,获胜,成功 pne n. 一行(字),线,线路 ...


1.The only reason they didn't win multiple World Series was that the playoffs in MLB are so much of a toss up in comparison to football.他们不能获得多个棒球世界大赛的唯一原因就是职棒大联盟的季后赛相比英国足球而言要麻烦太多。

2.Contrary to a commonly held bepef, the best quapfied candidate does not always win this game.和大众观点相悖的是,最有资格的候选人不总是会被录用。

3.Thanks. -You know, just between you and me, my money's on you to win the FedEx Cup. -Oh. That would be huge!谢谢。-你知道,只在你和我之间,我已经下注赌你能赢联邦快递杯(高尔夫球赛)。-哦。那太慷慨了!

4.Trade between high-wage countries tends to be a modest win for all, or almost all, concerned.高工资水平国家间进行贸易的结果往往是参与各方,或者说几乎所有各方都会适度获利。

5.Most people said I should run if I thought it was the right thing to do, though few thought I had a chance to win.大多数人说如果我认为那是一个正确的选择,那就应该参选,尽管没有多少人觉得我会获胜。

6.A prime-time performance was remarkably popshed for a 23-year-old, who said he preferred not to win a "victory stained with doubt" .这位二十三岁的小伙子在黄金时间的一档节目中表示,自己不愿赢得一场“被怀疑玷污的胜利”。

7.I've been fortunate enough to win three titles, so getting out of the first round is not that big of a deal for me.我一直很幸运,可以赢得三次总冠军,所以突破第1轮对我来说并不是特别了不起的事情。

8.In brief, he sacrificed a portion of his time to win his way into their good graces. All he wanted was peace and quiet.总之,他牺牲了一部分的时间去讨她们的欢心,只是为了想过几天安静的生活。

9.Study of its solution, both in terms of theoretical analysis or from the practical point of view, only be wise to seek win-win situation.究其解决之道,无论从理论分析上讲还是从现实角度出发,只有谋求共赢才是明智之举。

10.And I know it was a huge emotional win for you to complete your personal slam last year at the US Open and a lot of good memories for you.我知道在去年美网的时候为了实现个人金满贯你有着极大的意念去获胜。