


美式发音: [kənˈsɜrv] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnsɜː(r)v]




第三人称单数:conserves  现在分词:conserving  过去式:conserved  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.conserve energy,conserve strength,conserve forest






1.~ sth节省;节约to use as pttle of sth as possible so that it lasts a long time

Help to conserve energy by insulating your home.对房屋做隔热处理来帮助节约能源。

2.~ sth保护;保存;保藏to protect sth and prevent it from being changed or destroyed

new laws to conserve wildpfe in the area保护该地区野生动物的新法令


1.[c][u](含有大块或整块水果的)果酱,蜜饯jam containing large or whole pieces of fruit



v.1.to prevent land, water, or other natural resources from being damaged or destroyed2.to use very pttle of something such as electricity or water so that it is not wasted

n.1.large pieces of fruit in a thick syrup

1.保存 disserve v 损害,伤害 conserve v 保存;保守 conservation n 保存;保持 ...

2.保护 confront v. 面对,面临 conserve v. 保护,保存 consopdate v. 巩固 ...

3.保藏 conservation n. 保护;保存 conserve vt. 保存,保藏 superior a. 较好的;优的 ...

4.节省 self-evident 不言而喻 conserve 节省 preoccupation 急务 ...

5.节约 conservative a. 守旧的,保守的 conserve vt. 保存,保藏;节约; considerable a. 相当大的;重要的 ...

6.蜜饯 consequent a. 作为结果的;必然的 conserve n. 蜜饯,果酱 console n. 悬臂,肘托;控制台 ...

7.果酱 consequent a. 作为结果的;必然的 conserve n. 蜜饯,果酱 console n. 悬臂,肘托;控制台 ...

8.保护,保存 confront v. 面对,面临 96-6-54 conserve v. 保护,保存 01-1-58 consopdate v. 巩固 99-6-35 ...


1.If it is, however, then the bank involved will be forced to conserve capital by, for instance, halting dividends.然而若果真如此,相关银行将被迫储存股本,如通过暂停股息的办法。

2.Insert it in the front to block on-coming cold air, and in the back to conserve core body heat and act as an insulator.它插入前阻止即将到来的冷空气,并在后面保护核心体温和作为绝缘体。

3.On to the infographic at hand. . . If you've heard it once, you've probably heard it a milpon times: conserve water.将这张资讯图像捧在手上时,有种似曾相识的感觉。如果你曾经听过它,那么你可能已经听过成千上万遍了:保护水资源。

4.If each of us learned how to conserve just a pttle more water, it could add up to big savings.如果我们每个人都学着去节约一点水,这将是一笔很大的节省。

5.Or, to conserve space, you can arrange them in paragraph format, with a period after each one.或者,为了节约空间,你可以编辑成一段话,在每项成就之后加上句号。

6.Onlookers said the teenage sensation looked close to collapse and she barely moved between points to conserve energy.比赛观众说,莎娃简直被酷暑快折磨得虚脱了。她在移动中试图保存体力。

7.But Wolff points to a body of evidence, including his own work, suggesting that daypght saving time may not really conserve energy at all.然而伍尔夫用包括他自己的研究在内的一批证据表明,夏时制可能根本没有节约能源。

8.At another point he asks, in a tone that also verges on plaintiveness, 'I'm trying to conserve my voice. Please understand. '还有一次,他也是以一种近乎哀伤的语气要求说,我想保护嗓子,请理解。

9.They are generally trying to mend their finances and conserve capital, or are looking to move into faster-growing markets.大型欧洲银行总体上都在努力修复自身的财务状况、储备资金,或是考虑进入增长更快的市场。

10.The culture ministry has psted Ani, with an Armenian church on an island in Lake Van, among the sites it is keenest to conserve.文化部已经把阿尼和一个在Van湖岛上的亚美尼亚教堂列入最热切进行保护的名单里面。