

wind chimes

美式发音: [ˈwɪnd ˌtʃaɪmz] 英式发音: 





1.风铃;风铎a set of hanging pieces of metal, etc. that make a pleasant ringing sound in the wind

n.1.a decoration that you hang outside, with parts that move in the wind to make a pleasant sound

1.风铃 3. A Bottle Of Red Wine 一瓶红酒 4. Wind Chimes 风铃 5. Desk Clock 闹钟 ...

2.风编钟 Chimes 编钟 Wind Chimes 风编钟 Chinese Blocks 中块 ...

3.桌面上会响的风铃 ... 9. 水连著天 Horizon 1. 风铃风铃 Wind Chimes 2. 回家 Going Home ...

6.风铃叮当 ... Simply Be 心想意随 Wind Chimes 风铃叮当 Asian Lights 东方之光 ...


1.It was a long, hard night, but around 7 a. m. , something happened: The wind chimes outside his mother's window started to chime.这是一个漫长的夜晚。早上7时左右,发生了一件奇怪的事情:他母亲卧室窗外的风铃开始发出“叮叮当当”的声响。

2.Wind was blowing the wind chimes sway gently, Tinker pumping ring, awakened the sleeping, disturbed heart.被风吹拂过的风铃轻轻摆动,叮叮唧响,惊醒了睡梦,扰乱着心扉。

3.The wind chimes were a retirement gift for Steve when he left the sanitation department last year .这风铃是史蒂夫去年从卫生部退下来时的退休礼物。

4.The wind died down. My wind chimes finally became quiet.风停了,我的风铃最后也安静了下来。

5.He is accompanied by a chorus of birdsong and the tinkle of wind chimes from his office.鸟儿的合唱和他办公室的风铃声陪伴着他。

6.Now you can hear the sounds from the wind chimes.现在你就可以听到风铃清脆的响声了。

7.A gust of wind blew, which caused my wind chimes to dance. They made a joyful sound, but again I lost my concentration on God.我再一次闭上眼,一阵风吹起,风铃跟着跳动起来,它们奏响了欢快的音乐,可是我的注意力再一次被打断了。

8.Behind the chant were the spghtest sounds, tiny wind chimes, tiny buzzing.在唱诵的声音后面,还有些难以察觉的细微声音,象小的风铃声,小的嗡嗡声。

9.Metal wind chimes are only rarely prescribed, as their improper placement can actually cause harm.金属风铃难得被制定,因为他们不恰当的位置会破坏风水。

10.The area has single flower, flower racks hanging wind chimes produce sounds kind ornaments.该区内设有单片花架,花架上悬挂风铃类能产生声音的装饰物。