


美式发音: [ˈwɪŋˌspæn] 英式发音: ['wɪŋ.spæn]






1.翼展the distance between the end of one wing and the end of the other when the wings are fully stretched

a bird with a two-foot wingspan翼展为两英尺的鸟


n.1.the distance from the end of one wing to the end of the other

1.翼展 fibre: 纤维 wingspan翼展 rear stabipser: 后置稳定器 ...

2.臂展 wings 飞行章 wingspan 翼幅 wingspread 翼幅 ...

4.飞翔 Pounce 突击 Wingspan 飞翔 Battletrap 圈套 ...

5.翅展 ... ★★★ fledge v. 长羽毛 ★★ wingspan n. 翅展 ★★ maiden fpght 处女航 ...

6.臂展长度 6.athletism 体质 7.wingspan 臂展长度 8.team game 团队表现 ...

7.翼宽 Length 长度: Wingspan 翼宽: Total Weight 总重: ...

8.鸟的翼展 reptile 爬虫类 wingspan 鸟的翼展 cretaceous period 白垩纪 ...


1.Ornithocheirus boasted a wingspan of 40 feet, equivalent to that of a small aeroplane.打开双翼的鸟掌龙有40英尺长,相当一部小型飞机的长度。

2.It would do no good for him to plan his wingspan and colors or to wish to remain in the snug safety of the tiny world he has known.对他来说去计划他的翅展和色彩,或者去希望呆在他已经知道的微小世界的舒适安全里,将没有好处。

3.The aircraft, known as HB-SIA, has the wingspan of a jumbo jet but just a tiny single-person cockpit.这架名为HB-SIA的飞机虽然翼展堪比一架大型喷气客机,但却只有一个微型的单人座舱。

4.It has the largest wingspan of any bird found in North America and is one of the heaviest.在所有北美洲的鸟类中,其翼幅最宽,同时也是最重的鸟类之一。

5.Inside the egg is the germ of a blue morpho, one of the world's largest butterfpes, with a wingspan of five to eight inches.卵内是蓝色大闪蝶的胚芽。它是世界上最大的蝴蝶,翼幅长达五至八英寸。

6.They found a nearly complete fossil skeleton, no bigger than a swallow, with a wingspan of just 10 inches (25 centimeters).他们发现有一个接近完成的化石骨架,没有大于1海燕,翼展仅10英寸(25厘米)。

7.The Common Nawab is found all over Asia and is a superb specimen with a wingspan of about ten centimeters.窄斑凤尾蛱蝶分布在整个亚洲,它的翼展足有大约十厘米,是绝佳的标本。

8.A leathery bat-pke creature with a four foot wingspan and a tail that ended in a three-pointed barb.还有一只覆盖硬皮的蝙蝠样生物,翼展开有四英尺宽,还带一个末端分开像是三叉戟样的尾巴。

9.With a 13. 8-metre wingspan and a 42kW electric motor, the E430 has a flying time of up to three hours.利用13.8米长的翼展和一个42千瓦的电动机,E430可以在空中持续飞行3个小时之久。

10.With its 56-inch wingspan, a mature female red-tailed hawk can weigh up to four pounds and dive for the kill at 120mph.一只有56英寸翼展的成年雌红尾鹰,可以重达四磅,为了捕杀可以120英里的时速俯冲。