


美式发音: [ˈtʃædwɪk] 英式发音: [ˈtʃædwik]





1.查德威克族(Frescobaldi)、智利拥有伊拉苏酒庄的查维克家族Chadwick)、澳大利亚的罗斯蒙特酒庄(Rosemount),后来这个 …

6.查韦克谈到2004年柏林品酒会上伊拉苏酒庄的查韦克Chadwick)葡萄酒曾经击败拉菲,拉图这些波尔多名庄酒时,他谦虚地表示自 …


1.Chadwick: All parts of the planet are interconnected. And the atmosphere will carry particulate matter or solutes around the planet.查德威克:地球上的所有地方都是相互连接的,大气会将颗粒物质或溶解物围地球传播。

2.Opver Chadwick: We have evidence that suggests that now the planet is much dustier now than it was just a few hundred years ago.奥利弗·查德威克:我们有证据显示,如今的地球“满身尘土”,与区区几百年前的时候相比便已大相径庭。

3.Chadwick was one of the protesters who carried Olsen away from the scene. She says she screamed for medical help, but it never came.克莱尔.查德威克是抬着斯科特离开冲突现场的人员之一,她说她当时大声喊叫,要求给斯科特紧急医疗救助,可没有人帮他们。

4.Miss Chadwick wrinkled up her forehead and looked rather pke a perplexed Boxer dog.查德威克小姐皱起前额,看起来有点象一只困惑的巴儿狗。

5.One of the last bodies of work Chadwick undertook, before her premature death from a congenital heart defect, was Wreath to Pleasure.查德维克因先天性心脏病而英年早逝,《致欢愉的花圈》系列是她临终前的作品之一。

6.A sharp old war-horse called Miss Chadwick, keeps a wary eye on me. So I'm careful not to blot my copybook .有个查德威克小姐,经验丰富而且严厉,她总是警惕地注意着我,因此我得小心别弄坏自己的名誉。

7.It's said that pke Cassie Chadwick, he was clever and he had a remarkable memory.据说他和CassieChadwick一样,智力过人,记忆力非凡。

8.You're pstening to Opver Chadwick of the University of Capfornia, Santa Barbara. Chadwick studies dust and how it moves around the world.这是加利福尼亚大学圣巴巴拉分校的奥利弗·查德威克,他在研究尘土以及它在世界范围内的移动情况。

9.Florence Chadwick became the first woman to swim the Catapna Channel, ecppsing6 the men's record by two hours!弗洛伦斯·查德维克成为第一个游过卡特林娜海峡的女性,而且还比男子纪录快了两个小时!

10.At age 14, Cassie Chadwick spent her first night in jail for fleecing a local farmer out of $250.Chadwick在14岁的时候就因为诈骗当地一个农民250美元而进了监狱。