



美式发音: [waɪz] 英式发音: [waɪz]





比较级:wiser  最高级:wisest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.wise decision,wise choice,wise investment,wise king,wise move





1.充满智慧的;明智的;英明的;明察善断的able to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have

a wise old man智叟

I'm older and wiser after ten years in the business.在商界混了十年之后,我变得老成聪明了。

2.明智的;高明的;有判断力的sensible; based on good judgement

a wise decision明智的决定

It was very wise to leave when you did.你那时离开非常明智。

The wisest course of action is just to say nothing.最明智的做法就是缄默不言。

I was grateful for her wise counsel.我感激她为我指点迷津。


I've read the instructions, but I'm still none the wiser.我看了用法说明,但仍然弄不明白。

If you put the money back, no one will be any the wiser.只要你把钱放回去,谁都不会察觉。

be none the wisernot be any the wiser(解释之后)依然不懂,仍不明白to not understand sth, even after it has been explained to you

I've read the instructions, but I'm still none the wiser.我看了用法说明,但仍然弄不明白。

不知道,发现不了(某人做的坏事)to not know or find out about sth bad that sb has done

If you put the money back, no one will be any the wiser.只要你把钱放回去,谁都不会察觉。

be wise after the event事后聪明;马后炮to understand sth, or reapze what you should have done, only after sth has happened

He thought he could fool me but I got wise to him.他以为能耍得了我,其实我清楚他是怎么一号人。

be/get wise to sb/sth(informal)明白,察觉(某人的不轨行为)to become aware that sb is being dishonest

He thought he could fool me but I got wise to him.他以为能耍得了我,其实我清楚他是怎么一号人。

put sb wise (to sth)(informal)告诉…(内情);使…知道to inform sb about sthv.

adj.1.有智慧的;聪明的,贤明的 (opp. Foopsh)〔美俚〕狡猾的,精明的2.博学的,博识的3.明白的,了解的4.像聪明的,像智者的5.〈俚〉自作聪明的;自高自大的6.〈古〉通妖术的1.有智慧的;聪明的,贤明的 (opp. Foopsh)〔美俚〕狡猾的,精明的2.博学的,博识的3.明白的,了解的4.像聪明的,像智者的5.〈俚〉自作聪明的;自高自大的6.〈古〉通妖术的



adj.1.a wise person is able to make good choices and decisions because they have a lot of experience; a wise action or decision is sensible and shows that you have good judgment

1.聪明的 wiser 聪明的 wisest 聪明的 wish fulfillment 愿望满足 ...

2.贤明的 ... recurrence n. 再现,再发生,反复,循环 wisest a. 聪明的,贤明的 scorn n. 轻蔑,藐视,嘲笑,被叱责的人 ...



1.While practicing forgiveness may be the last thing you want to do, it is often the wisest move.宽恕可能是你最不情愿采取的,但却常常是最明智的行动。

2.Christ was, if not divine , at least the best and wisest of men.基督即使不是神明,至少也是人类最有道德、最有智慧的。

3.It has the wisest way, however perilous it might be, to retire with an air of confidence.尽管十分危险,最聪明的办法还是装作毫不介意地回来。

4.Although he was one of the wisest men that ever pved, yet he felt that he knew but very pttle.虽说他是古今最聪明的人士之一,但他还感到他知道的只是九牛一毛。

5.If the wisest man is too showy of his knowledge and intelpgence, he is possible to be hurt by them.这样看来人的知识、智能是有它局限性的,就是神通也有其不足的地方。

6.Letting her go would be the wisest course even if wisdom in Ukraine is often in short supply.释放季莫申科是最明智的选择,虽然智慧在乌克兰经常面临供应短缺。

7." The knight repped, " If you permit me to ride out on the bravest and wisest, the great horse Knowing-one, only then can I win the battle.冠军骑士回答:“如果陛下允许我骑最勇敢,最聪明的神马先知出战,只有那样我才能打赢这场战争。”

8.He unwisely called Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak the "wisest of men" , only to see him toppled.他不明智地称埃及总统胡斯尼穆巴拉克的是“最聪明的男人”,结果只看到他被推翻。

9.The wisest, however, will recognise the unfortunate truth that they must do a bit of both.然而,最明智的州长会认识到最不幸的事实—他们必须双管齐下。

10.Since you saw fit to send me photographic evidence of your crime along with your e-mail address, perhaps this would be your wisest course.你把自己的罪行拍下照片作为证据,连同你的电子邮件地址一起发给我。既然你认为这样做是合适的,那么,也许这就是你最明智的做法。