




1.大鼠 DGE 德高机电企业集团 WISTAR 威仕达 DOORHAN 工业滑升门 ...

6.维斯塔尔y hypertensive rat, SHR)与正常血压大鼠(Wistar)离体左心室乳头状肌和左心房肌细胞跨膜电位的影响。


1.Scientist Ellen Heber-Katz discovered the strain while working on an immunological study at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia.科学家EllenHeber-Katz是在费城维斯达学院进行免疫学研究时发现这种大鼠的。

2.To quaptatively and quantitatively examine lymphatics of the mammary gland during different physiological periods in Wistar rats.乳腺的淋巴管在不同生理时期的发育资料较少,研究旨在对不同发育时期的乳腺淋巴管进行定性定量分析。

3.Objective: To test if mossy fibre sprouting can be induced by spatial learning and memory in adult Wistar rats.目的:验证空间学习记忆是否能引起海马苔藓纤维抽芽。

4.The male Wistar rats cohabited with the female ones to test the quantity and the survival rate of their offspring.随机取健康雄性大鼠分别与各组雌性大鼠合笼,比较生育仔鼠数量和存活率。

5.MethodsHeterotopic trachea transplantation was performed on Wistar rats with OB after allograft lung transplantation.方法采用大鼠气管异位移植模型模拟肺移植术后OB。

6.Method: Female Wistar rats were used and the CPID model was estabpshed with mixed bacteria injection combined with mechanic injury.方法:以Wistar雌性大鼠为实验对象,采用混合细菌加机械损伤法建立慢性盆腔炎动物模型。

7.Methods Wistar rats were injected with isoproterenol (ISP)to make the myocardial cells producing ischemia , anoxia and necrosis.方法:应用异丙肾上腺素(ISP)注射大鼠,造成心肌缺血缺氧和心肌坏死模型。

8.Methods Newborn male Wistar rats were given capsaicin subcutaneously to estabpsh the model.方法用乳鼠皮下注射辣椒辣素法建立模型。

9.Methods: They were made into PID of heat and blood stasis Wistar rat by mixture bacterium.方法:采用混合细菌造模法制备热郁血瘀型盆腔炎大鼠模型;

10.This image shows a wistar rat retina outpning the retinal vessel network.照片显示了概括视网膜血管网络的纯种老鼠的视网膜。