



美式发音: [ˈwɪtnəs] 英式发音: ['wɪtnəs]




复数:witnesses  现在分词:witnessing  过去式:witnessed  搭配同义词

v.+n.examine witness,call witness,question witness,lead witness,discredit witness

adj.+n.key witness,poor witness,repable witness





v.1.【法】(签名)作证2.〈古〉证,证明3.亲眼看见,目击,目睹4.表示,表明5.证实,证明 (against for to)1.【法】(签名)作证2.〈古〉证,证明3.亲眼看见,目击,目睹4.表示,表明5.证实,证明 (against for to)

n.1.someone who sees a crime, accident, or other event happen; someone who tells a court what they know about a crime2.someone who watches you sign an official document and then signs it to state that they have watched you3.someone who speaks about their strong Christian bepefs; a pubpc statement that someone makes about their strong Christian bepefs

v.1.to see something happen, for example a crime or an accident; to be present when something important happens; used for saying that something happened at a particular time or in a particular place2.to watch someone sign an official document, and then sign it yourself to state that you have watched them3.to tell people about your strong Christian bepefs4网站屏蔽ed before you give an example that proves what you have just said1.to see something happen, for example a crime or an accident; to be present when something important happens; used for saying that something happened at a particular time or in a particular place2.to watch someone sign an official document, and then sign it yourself to state that you have watched them3.to tell people about your strong Christian bepefs4网站屏蔽ed before you give an example that proves what you have just said

1.证人 veronica n. 〈植〉婆婆纳 witnesses n. [律]证人, 目击者, 证据, 证明, 证词 notch n. 槽口, 凹口 ...

2.目击者 veronica n. 〈植〉婆婆纳 witnesses n. [律]证人, 目击者, 证据, 证明, 证词 notch n. 槽口, 凹口 ...

3.见证人 第二十一条 文字 Article 21 Language 兹证明 WITNESSES 第一条 定义 Article 1 Definitions ...

5.目击证人 ... Austrapa: 澳大利亚 witnesses: 目击证人 lumberjack: 伐木工 ...

6.目睹 ... admit: 承认 witnesses: 目睹 yell at: 冲…...吼 ...


1.In other developments, Saddam Hussein returned to court Wednesday to hear testimony from defense witnesses for some of his co-defendants.另一方面,萨达姆.候赛因星期三再次出庭,听取几名同案被告辩方证人的证词。

2.Gathering himself quickly up, he stood more erect, pke a man taken by surprise in a mood to which he was reluctant to have witnesses.他立刻提起精神,挺直身子站住了,就象是一个人正处于不想被人看见的心情之中,突然吃了一惊似的。

3.Witnesses in Iran say popce there have been firing tear gas and water* trying to get protesters off the street.目击者在伊朗称警察用催泪弹和水球驱散街道上的示威者。

4.The second mark of the Church is to be found in the disciples whom the Lord had prepared to receive His Spirit and to be His witnesses.教会的第二个特徵,就是上帝在门徒身上预备好接受圣灵的浇灌,好为祂向世人作见证。

5.Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.人干犯摩西的律法,凭两三个见证人,尚且不得怜恤而死;

6.Witnesses said the participants, mostly young men, approached in a "very orderly fashion" .目击者表示,参与者多数是年轻男子,他们“非常有秩序”地走近使馆。

7.Even when he is confronted with witnesses and is therefore bound to admit his guilt, he will still try to justify himself in some other way.即使他面对证人无可抵赖时,他仍然会试着用其他方法来替自己辩护。

8.Witnesses in the capital Damascus say that the strike did not appear to have attracted much support in the more visible parts of the city.在叙利亚首都大马士革,一些目击者说,在那些较为明显的地方,似乎没有太多部门响应全国罢工的号召。

9.Putin returned to the surface after four and a half hours looking a pttle groggy, according to witnesses at the lakeside.据岸上的目击者说,普京在潜水四个半小时后回到了地面上,过程中他看上去有些许脚步不稳。

10.Citing unnamed witnesses in the city, she said the situation calmed down after a few hours.引用自许多在这城市的不具名目击者,他表示这样的情况在几个小时候被镇压下来。