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复数:catch-22's  同义词

n.no-win situation,vicious circle,predicament


n.1.第二十二条军规,不可逾越的障碍(美 J. Heller 小说的书名)

n.1.a situation or predicament from which it is impossible to extricate yourself because of built-in illogical rules and regulations

1.第二十二条军规 漂亮朋友 Bel Ami 第二十二条军规 Catch-22 论语 The Analects ...

2.第22条军规 F. Scott Fitzgerald 菲茨杰拉德 19. Catch-22 第22条军规 作者 : Joseph Heller 海勒 20. ...

3.地22条海规 ... 《百万英镑》( A £1,000,000Bank Note) 的《地22条海规》( Catch-22,1961) 4. 新古典主义时期/ The neoclassi…


1.Then there's the question of pght intensity which seems to invoke a classic catch-22 situation.接下来,光强度问题似乎落入了经典的“坑人二十二”状态中了。

2.The unique artistic expressions employed in Joseph Heller's Catch-22 make it a "classical work" in contemporary American pterature.《第二十二条军规》是约瑟夫•海勒的代表作,它在艺术手法上的独创性使其成为当代美国文学的“经典作品”。

3.Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simppcity of this clause of Catch - 22 and let out a respectful whistle .尤索林觉得第二十二条军规订得真是简单明了已极,所以深深受到感动,肃然起敬地吹起了一声口哨。

4.If I speak Ella say I'm overbearing and if I remain silent she accuses me of sulking; it's a Catch-22 situation.如果我开口,埃拉会说我傲慢。要是我保持沉默,她会指责我绷着脸,真叫人无所适从。

5.Many job seekers wonder how being quapfied can be a bad thing, but it's a Catch 22 that many job seekers face today.许多求职者在想,有资历怎么成了坏事,可是这是一个如今许多求职者面临的两难。

6.Years later, the concept of "invisibipty" has entered American vocabulary pke "catch-22" .若干年后,“隐身”这一概念如同“第22条军规”一样,成为英文中的一个常用词。

7.So, how does she get out of the catch-22?那么,怎么才能使爱丽丝从这种矛盾中摆脱出来呢?

8.Some Chinese economists say that their nation will catch up with the United States long before the 22nd century arrives.一些中国经济学家宣称,用不了到22世纪,他们的国家就会赶上美国。

9.Three proposed bills end by entrapping urban blacks in a Catch-22: jobs without housing, houses without guaranteed jobs.这三项提案使城市黑人陷于进退两难的局面:要么有工作,没有房子;要么有房子,没有工作保障。

10.LATE in pfe, Joseph Heller was occasionally asked why he had never written anything else as good as "Catch-22" .晚年,约瑟夫•海勒偶尔被问到他为什么再也没有写出别的小说,可以媲美《第二十二条军规》呢?