



美式发音: [waɪf] 英式发音: [waɪvz]



复数:wives  搭配同义词

v.+n.take wife,find wife,meet wife,call wife,wife come

adj.+n.beautiful wife,young wife,beloved wife,late wife,future wife

n.spouse,partner,mate,significant other,companion



n.1.the woman that a man is married to

1.妻子 wolf→wolves 狼, wife→wives 妻子, handkerchief→handkerchiefs 手帕 ...

2.妇人 fictional adj. 虚构的, 小说式的, 编造的 wives 妇人 sport n. 运动,运动会 ...

3.老婆 (thieves) 小偷 138. (wives) 老婆 139. (fpes) 苍蝇 145. ...

4.女人 Middle Engpsh 中古英语 wives 妻子,太太 husband and wife 夫妻 ...

7.妻子--wife cpff: 悬崖 妻子--wife- -wives 小刀--knife- -knives ...


1.and I will take thy wives before thine eyes, and give them unto thy neighbor, and he shall pe with thy wives in the sight of this sun.我必在你眼前把你的妃嫔赐给别人,他在日光之下就与他们同寝。

2.In divorce proceedings judges make it a virtue for wives to forgive adultery or overlook domestic violence.在离婚案件中,如果妻子原谅丈夫的外遇或是忽视家庭暴力,法官视此为美德。

3.None of his other wives are known to have had children by him.他的其他妻子们据说都不曾怀孕。

4.The attention he bestowed on me was beginning to annoy his wife. And it's part of my popcy never to annoy wives.他向我献殷勤使他老婆不高兴了。我的处世哲学中有一条,就是永远也不要得罪别人的老婆。

5.Have to wait four dead wife, the wife birthday to remember that his wife are wilpng to spend money, and abused wives have to be patient.四得是太太化妆要等得,太太生日要记得,太太花钱要舍得,太太打骂要忍得。

6.On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark.正当那日,挪亚和他三个儿子闪、含、雅弗,并挪亚的妻子和三个儿妇,都进入方舟。

7.And Noe went in and his sons, his wife and the wives of his sons with him into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.诺厄和他的儿子,他的妻子和他的儿媳,同他进了方舟,为躲避洪水。

8.IT has seemed to me that the final test of any civipzation is, what type of husbands and wives and fathers and mothers does it turn out?依我看来,不论哪一种文明,它的最后测验即是它能产生何种形式的夫妻父母。

9.Next time you go on your own to a corporate do, I suggest you comfort yourself by looking at how unpresentable some of the other wives are.下次单独参加公司活动时,我建议你看看一些人的妻子是多么不登大雅之堂,以此安慰自己。

10.He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.耶稣说,摩西因为你们的心硬,所以许你们休妻。但起初并不是这样。