



美式发音: [ɡeɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ɡeɪdʒ]




复数:gauges  现在分词:gauging  过去式:gauged  搭配同义词

v.+n.level gauge,gauge mood






n.1.[Navigation]Same as gage2.a piece of equipment that measures the amount of something3.a fact or event that can be used for judging someone or something4.a way of saying how thick something is, especially something made of metal, wire, or plastic; the width of the barrel of a gun the part you fire the bullet through; the distance between the two metal railstracks of a railroad, or between the wheels of the train1.[Navigation]Same as gage2.a piece of equipment that measures the amount of something3.a fact or event that can be used for judging someone or something4.a way of saying how thick something is, especially something made of metal, wire, or plastic; the width of the barrel of a gun the part you fire the bullet through; the distance between the two metal railstracks of a railroad, or between the wheels of the train

v.1.to make a judgment or guess about a situation, action, or person based on the information that you have2.to measure the amount of something, or its strength or speed, using a piece of equipment or a particular method

1.仪表 电脑表 Computer 仪表 Gauges 佳能 CANON ...

2.量规 Measurement assistance tools 测量协助工具 Gauges 量规 Balance scales 秤(衡器) ...

3.压力表 tank truck 油罐车 gauges:oxygen regulator 压力表:氧气调节器 hose 软管 ...

4.潜水仪表 13. 脚蹼/蛙鞋( FINS) 7. 潜水仪表(3 GAUGES) 1. 面镜( MASK) ...

5.计量表 阀门 valves 计量表 gauges 泵 pumps ...

6.轨距) 及相关周边产品 (Accessories) 如真空计 (Gauges) 、真空控制器 (Controllers) 、真空阀类 (Valves) 及管件 (Piping) 、真空 …


1.Thermometers and rain gauges have been used in Europe since 1500, and many of the records are now easily available on the internet.自1500年,欧洲人就开始使用温度计和降水量测量仪,如今在网上也很容易找到这些测量记录。

2.Pressure gauges shows how much pressure is present.气压表显示当前气压值。

3.That makes them good gauges of how much matter is needed to keep them from escaping the galaxy altogether.这让它们成为了了解需要多少质量才能让他们不至于逃离银河系的标准。

4.He said that with the major gauges at these levels, market pros have even less of a sense of where the so-called bottom is.他说随着主要指数处于这些层次,市场专业人士更不能摸清所谓的底部是(在)那里。

5.Tests will show whether the old gauges and boiler pressure points are up to federal standards to operate during the six-day festival.试验将显示过去的标准尺寸和沸水压力点能否达到在六天庆典中进行操作的联邦标准。

6.Are all the fixtures and gauges used appropriate for identifying specificdefects comfortable for the operator, and easy to use?夹具,量具是否恰当用于检测特殊失效?是否易于操作工使用?

7.It pstens to you and gauges from your thoughts what you think is the most important task.潜意识是目标优化大师,它倾听你的内心并从中判断你认为最重要的任务到底是什么。

8.Formula One drivers have no spare concentration for operating fiddly controls, or trying to look at small, hidden gauges.一级方程式车手都没有空闲的浓度为手动操作控制,或者尝试看看小,隐藏在新屋。

9.Our pressure sensors and standard pressure gauges can be found in the onboard equipment of the most up-to-date and powerful fire engines .强大的消防车和车载设备上都能找到我们的压力传感器和压力仪表。

10.A downhole tool on which downhole gauges or instruments that are to be temporarily left in the wellbore are attached.一种井下工具,它用来固定暂时要被留在井筒中的井下仪表或仪器。