



美式发音: [wʊd] 英式发音: [wʊd]





复数:woods  搭配同义词

v.+n.cut wood,wood burn,chop wood,wood use,wood carve

adj.+n.wood chip,rotten wood,dark wood,wood furniture,wood preservative




n.1.木材;木板;木柴;木球;(高尔夫球)木棍2.木质3.树林,森林4.伍德5.【姓氏】伍德6.(装酒的)木桶7.【乐】木管乐器 (= wood-wind) 〔集合词〕木管乐器部(演奏者)1.木材;木板;木柴;木球;(高尔夫球)木棍2.木质3.树林,森林4.伍德5.【姓氏】伍德6.(装酒的)木桶7.【乐】木管乐器 (= wood-wind) 〔集合词〕木管乐器部(演奏者)



n.1.the substance that forms the main part of a tree and is used for making things such as furniture; made from wood; using wood as a fuel2.a large forest or any smaller area where there are many trees and wild plants

1.树林 windy 有风的 woods 树林 worry 烦恼;忧虑 ...

2.森林 3.Longing/love 渴望 2.Woods 森林 4.Road 路 ...

3.伍兹 球 场 设 施 球 场 Course 木杆 Woods 发球台 Tee ground/tee ...

6.树木 phone (接电话) woods 树木 leave 离开 ...

7.小树林 1.call: 称呼,叫 3.woods: 森林,小树林 5.hill: 小山,高坡 ...


1.The name was in place before the Tiger Woods texting scandal, he claims, and the company decided to stick with it.这个程序的命名是在泰格·伍兹丑闻之前的,他声明,而且他的公司也同意坚持这一点。

2.Sometimes other deer came out of the woods to graze. When Frankie caught their scent, his head came up.有时,别的鹿从树林里出来吃草,弗兰基闻见它们的气味时,就抬起头来。

3.What is interesting about this agenda is how famipar much of it would seem to the participants at Bretton Woods, with one exception.有趣之处在于,除了一个例外,布雷顿森林体系的与会者对这个议程会感到多么熟悉。

4.He went into the woods to hunt, and after entering the woods he heard a sound of crying, as though it were a pttle child.他刚走进森林,就听见尖声的哭叫,好像不远处有个小孩儿。

5.Just as she turned to ship away among the trees, a figure stepped out from the woods.正当她转弯溜进树林,树丛中冒出一个人。

6.In the nights the French dispersed to get round the Russians, hid themselves in the woods, and all that could struggled on again.一到夜间,法国人就躲避开俄国人,分散地逃进森林,凡能够逃脱的人就继续向前逃命。

7.Woods drove his car into a fire hydrant and a tree close to his home.当时,伍兹在家外驾车撞上消防栓,后来撞到一棵大树。

8.If he had had more common sense in spending, he might have been out of the woods financially by now.如果他在花錢方面多些常識,他就老早脫離經濟困難。

9.The original Bretton Woods lasted three weeks and was preceded by more than two years of technical preparation.当年的布雷顿森林会议历时三周,之前还经过了两年多技术上的准备工作。

10.However, anyone thinking this meeting is going to turn into Bretton Woods II is in for a disappoint.不过,那些希望此次会议成为第二个布雷顿森林会议的人可能会感到失望。