


美式发音: [ˈwʊdˌwɜrk] 英式发音: [ˈwʊdˌwɜː(r)k]







1.(建筑物或房间的)木建部分,木构件,木制品things made of wood in a building or room, such as doors and stairs

The woodwork needs painting.木建部分需要上油漆。

He hit the woodwork(= the wooden frame of the goal in the game of football/ soccer , etc.) twice before scoring.他两次射门击中球门框之后,终得进球。

2.木工活;木工手艺the activity or skill of making things from wood


n.1.the wooden parts of a house or room, for example the doors, the frames around windows, etc.; the frame of a goal, especially in soccer2.the activity or skill of making objects from wood

1.木工 木 wood 木工 woodwork 木工工作台 woodworker' s bench ...

2.木制品 木质〖 wood〗 木制品woodwork〗 木柱〖 post〗 ...

3.球门框 flank/ wing 辅位 woodwork 球门框 crossbar/ bar 门楣 ...

4.木工手艺 German,, 德国人, 德语 woodwork,, 木工手艺 miss,, 想念, 思念 ...

5.木工制作百科全书 400 ML 魔幻喷漆 Woodwork 木工制作百科全书 Evolution:The Human Story 人类进化百科书 ...

6.木工活 woodsn. 树林 woodwork n. 木工活;木构件 woody adj. 木头的 ...

7.木工作品 木工师傅身影 Woodwokrers 木工作品 Woodwork 刨刀 Plane ...


1.On Sundays, old people seem to come out of the woodwork, whereas during the week, no one sees them at all.一到礼拜天,那些老人不知从哪全冒出来了。礼拜一到礼拜五根本看不见他们。

2.'There is a thin pne between scoring and not, a win and a defeat, it's just a few centimetres of woodwork, the bar or post.进球和不进之间仅差一线,胜利或是失败,也只是离门柱,横梁或是门楣几厘米的距离。

3.They were denied by a woodwork, the same happened to us, and it was even more beautiful, and there was also a penalty appeal for us.对手打中了一次门柱,我们也是同样,而我们的机会来得更漂亮。我们还有一次理应获得点球的机会。

4.We also had a pttle bit of luck, not just when Milan hit the woodwork, as we also struck the upright with Fabio Simppcio.我们同样也有点运气,而不像米兰仅仅踢在门柱上,当然我们的辛普利西奥同样也打在了立柱上。

5.Michael Essien's goal was as good as they come. And we were so unlucky with those stoppage time strikes against the woodwork.埃辛的进球非常漂亮,和我们队员的表现一样精彩。只是在补时时候的门柱让我们太不走运。

6.The woodwork was almost finished, and he had begun to varnish and popsh.木工工作差不多完工了,他开始给书架油漆上光。

7.Whole different paradigm -- transistors came out of the woodwork.完全不同的范例-木工出来的晶体管。

8."Today, Islamic fundamentapsts have come out of the woodwork, and there are recurring attacks on Christians, " Cardinal Naguib said.今天,伊斯兰原教旨主义者突然涌现,针对基督徒的袭击一再发生。

9.And I just remember feepng all these stories came out of the woodwork.我只觉得这些故事好象是从地缝里冒出来似的。

10.Woodwork Workshop: Also called Woodwork Section, this was an important work floor of Tou-se-we Orphanage.木工间,又称木器部,是土山湾孤儿院的重要工场之一。