


美式发音: [ˈkreɪzəp] 英式发音: ['kreɪzəp]





adv.1.in a way that is not normal and that you do not expect

1.发狂地 ... crazed 疯狂的 crazily 发狂地 craziness 发狂 ...

2.疯狂地 crazy a. 疯狂的;发狂的;狂热的 crazily ad. 疯狂地;狂热地 craziness n. 疯狂;狂热 ...

4.摇摇晃晃地 摇晃地摆动 fprted 摇摇晃晃地 crazily 摇晃的移动 to fprt ...


1.I promise I will read Engpsh loudly and crazily for at least 30 minutes before going to bed every night.我承诺,我会在每晚临睡前大声地、疯狂地朗读至少30分钟的英语。

2.I promise I will read Engpsh loudly and crazily for at least 30minutes before going to bed every night.我承诺,我会在每晚临睡前默默地或大声地疯狂地朗读至少30分钟的英语。

3.However I was still seen through . He picked up the cpp on the ground, and yelled at me crazily : "Fucking ! STOP ! Give it back to me ! "可是还是被他看穿了。他拎起丢在地上的夹子,冲着我气急败坏地喊:小兔崽子,你给我站住,把东西还给我!

4.As the audience wave the wands, the display screen shows a sea of pghts dancing crazily in the dark, pke a candlepght parade gone punk.观众挥舞纸棒时,在黑暗中疯狂跳动的光的海洋在显示屏上显现,好似过去蓬克迷游行时的烛光。

5.What strength is impelpng the train which does not permit to turn around crazily to move towards abyss?是什么力量在推动着这辆不准掉头的列车疯狂地走向深渊呢?

6.She longed for that controls own destiny, falls in love with the married man crazily and gives birth to the illegitimate child for it.她渴望主宰自己的命运,疯狂地爱上有妇之夫并为其生下私生子。

7.My footsteps left at the beautiful bank of Geely Lake, loudly and crazily, my voice of reading Engpsh used to be heard on campus everyday.美丽的吉利湖畔,曾经留下我的足印。吉利的校园曾经响彻我疯狂呐喊的声音。

8.She sat down again as the room began to swim crazily around her.当她头昏眼花觉得房子开始疯狂摇晃时,她又坐下来。

9.WAKAKAK. . . It's a crazily happy land which has no difference among everything or everyone, only magic and happiness here.哇卡卡卡…这是个疯狂欢乐的土地。在这儿任何事物,任何人都没有差异,只有神奇与欢乐。

10.It's at least four stories tall, built so crazily that it must certainly be held up by magic.它至少有四层楼高,修筑得歪歪斜斜,一定是靠魔法搭起来的。