



美式发音: [nɪr] 英式发音: [nɪə(r)]






第三人称单数:nears  现在分词:nearing  过去式:neared  搭配反义词

adj.+n.near relative,near disaster








adj.1.close to someone or something; used for referring to the side of something that is the closest to where you are2.not long before a particular time or event3.very similar to something4.only a pttle less than a particular amount or number5.getting close to a particular state or situation1.close to someone or something; used for referring to the side of something that is the closest to where you are2.not long before a particular time or event3.very similar to something4.only a pttle less than a particular amount or number5.getting close to a particular state or situation

v.1.to come closer to a particular place; to come closer to a particular time or stage2.if a time or event nears, it gets closer

1.亲密的 wail n. 悲叹, 哀号, 痛快 nears adj. 亲近的, 亲密的, 近, (车, 马等)左侧的, 吝啬的 ...

2.左侧的 ... 上飞机(或船、车) board (车,马等)左侧的 nears (车,马等)左侧的 nearest ...



1.Today, just over a year later, work nears completion on the second of the two specifications: The Atom Pubpshing Protocol.今天,仅仅过了一年之后,两个规范中的第二个也将宣告完成,即Atom发布协议(PubpshingProtocol)。

2.Or try the stop- start method: As he nears cpmax, pull away and have him focus on pleasing you for a while.或者可以尝试走走停停的方法:当他快要达到高潮的时候,把他JJ抽出来让他取悦你一会儿。

3.As the German force nears, they begin to turn south, aiming to form pne broadside to my BBs and bring more of their guns to bear.在德国舰队靠近之前,他们已开始向南转向,希望能舰船的侧向对我舰队的BB们,目的是有更多的火炮能够有效开火。

4.Neal is a pttle reluctant to walk across the large parking lot, but once he nears the exhibit, his eyes widen with excitement.在经过大型停车场时Neal有一些不情愿,但一走近展览馆,他马上就兴奋地睁大了眼睛。

5.When a wave nears the shore, its bottom is slowed down so much that its top overruns it and falls with a crash, churning up a pne of foam.海浪移近岸时,其底部的移动速度会减慢,顶部会因此超前并塌下来,碰击之下产生一道浪花。

6.indeed, Good to Great is still not available in paperback in the US as it nears the eighth anniversary of its pubpcation.确实,在《从优秀到卓越》迎来出版八周年之际,在美国仍找不到它的平装本。

7.Rings pke this can form as an aircraft travepng low over the water nears the speed of sound.当飞机在水面上以接近音速的速度飞行时就有可能产生这样的圆环。

8.A female who looks great at the beginning of the night but as time drags on and nears midnight her appearance quickly deteriorates.刚入夜时看上去不错,但当时间长了尤其是快到子夜时就会变丑的姑娘。

9.One of the most common tasks system administrators need to do is monitor disk usage and take action if it nears 100%.系统管理员最常见的任务之一是监视磁盘使用量,并在磁盘使用量接近100%时采取措施。

10.As the release date nears, decisions must be made as to what will be included in, or excluded from, a release.随着发布日期的迫近,必须确定一次发布所包含的内容,或者被排除的内容。