


美式发音: [ˈwɜrkˌfɔrs] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)kˌfɔː(r)s]



复数:workforces  同义词

n.labour force,labour,hands,staff,personnel



1.全体员工all the people who work for a particular company, organization, etc.

The factory has a 1 000-strong workforce.这家工厂的职工多达千人。

Two thirds of the workforce is/are women.职工中的三分之二是妇女。

2.(国家或行业等的)劳动力,劳动大军,劳动人口all the people in a country or an area who are available for work

A quarter of the local workforce is/are unemployed.本地四分之一的劳动力都失业了。


n.1.[Economics]the total number of people who work in a particular company, industry, or area; used in general about people who work

1.劳动力 wholesaler n. 批发商 workforce n. 劳动力 TYPES OF COMPANY BUSINESS 行业名称 ...

2.员工 workmate n. 工友;同事 workforce n. 劳动大军,劳动力 worker n. 工人,工作者,工作人员 ...

4.劳动人口 domestic adj. 国内的 workforce n. 劳动人口 use of land 土地的使用 ...

5.人力 with-profit business 可分红业务 workforce 工作人口 working balance 周转余额;营运结余 ...

7.人力杂志 address vt. 讨论解决 Workforce 全体员工;劳动力 innovation n. 改革;变革 ...


1.Firms locating in London can tap into a huge speciapst financial workforce drawn from both domestic and foreign sources.在伦敦的公司可以很容易地找到规模庞大的国内外专业金融人士群体。

2.One of the ways Greece is trying to make up its budget shortfall is to lower the pay floor for those who were just joining the workforce.希腊试图弥补预算差额的方法之一就是降低劳工的工资的最低标准。

3.Yet in the matter of attractiveness to foreign investment at least two of these factors apply for China too: consumer market and workforce.但是在吸引外国投资方面至少有两个因素是适用于中国的:消费者市场和劳动力。

4.However, he said the the education of the workforce was essential if the trend of stronger productivity growth was to continue.不过他表示,如果想让更强劲的生产率增长趋势持续下去,对劳动力的教育至关重要。

5.Mr. Obama said the United States still has the best industry and workforce to guide it out of economic trouble.奥巴马说,美国仍然具备最好的企业和劳工能够带领经济走出困境。

6.Even more stunning was that, at the end of these two decades, 55 per cent of the workforce was at a new job.更令人吃惊的是,在八九十年代末,55%的劳动力都在从事新的工作。

7.Compulsory service programmes have been used worldwide as a way to deploy and retain a professional health workforce within countries.强制服务计划已经被世界各国所采用,以此来部署和保留国家的专业医疗人力资源。

8.Much of this hollowing out of the American workforce is down to technology, but some of it stems from globapsation.美国劳动力空洞化大部分归根于技术,但是其中一些由于全球化。

9.One way to get the best out of a building that has not been designed with the needs of your workforce in mind is to use space creatively.对于一栋在设计时未曾考虑你的员工队伍需求的大厦,最有效的利用方式之一就是创造性地使用空间。

10.But around the world, the health workforce is in crisis - a crisis to which no country is entirely immune.但在世界各地,出现了卫生人力危机,没有一个国家能完全不受这一危机的影响。