



美式发音: [wɜrk] 英式发音: [wɜː(r)k]




复数:works  现在分词:working  过去式:worked  过去分词:wrought  搭配同义词

adj.+n.hard work,great work,real work,important work,creative work

v.+n.do work,pke work,get work,need work,start work

adv.+v.fine work,probably work,work properly,work well,work together





v.1.使开始工作,指派工作2.开始工作3.(器官,机器等)工作,运转;(车轮等)旋转 (on)4.做活,工作 (at, in)5.进行顺利,成功;有效,作用6.进行,穿过,通过,行动 (in into past through)7.经营,做工,做事,有职业8.做...活 (in) 做针线活;绣花9.(心,脸等)跳动,抽动;(浪)激荡;(船因风浪)航行困难;(机器)运转不顺畅10.发酵;发芽11.使工作;使用(牛马等)12.使用(打字机等);驾驶(船,车等)13.〈俚〉利用;处理;除去14.拟订,研究,执行(计画等)15.计算;解决(问题)16.研制,制造;加工;做好,完成17.经营(事业,农场等)18.开采(矿藏等)19.使发生,引起(变化,影响等);打动,诱使;激发20.耕耘(土地)21.〈美口〉骗,瞒;毒打,殴打22.炼(铁);揉(面)23.费力地通过;努力得到24.缝上;绣25.使发酵;使发芽26.慢慢除去;卖出;解掉(毒,闷气等);做完;发泄;制造;改进;印,印刷;塞给(假钱等);〈口〉杀死,勒死27.脱出,溜出;肠等排泄;(毒)解掉28.努力做好,刻苦完成;详细拟定(计划等);算出(总数);解,解决(问题等);掘尽,采完(矿山等);做工偿还(债务);〈美〉做工抵补29.算出,合计是,结果是 (at)1.使开始工作,指派工作2.开始工作3.(器官,机器等)工作,运转;(车轮等)旋转 (on)4.做活,工作 (at, in)5.进行顺利,成功;有效,作用6.进行,穿过,通过,行动 (in into past through)7.经营,做工,做事,有职业8.做...活 (in) 做针线活;绣花9.(心,脸等)跳动,抽动;(浪)激荡;(船因风浪)航行困难;(机器)运转不顺畅10.发酵;发芽11.使工作;使用(牛马等)12.使用(打字机等);驾驶(船,车等)13.〈俚〉利用;处理;除去14.拟订,研究,执行(计画等)15.计算;解决(问题)16.研制,制造;加工;做好,完成17.经营(事业,农场等)18.开采(矿藏等)19.使发生,引起(变化,影响等);打动,诱使;激发20.耕耘(土地)21.〈美口〉骗,瞒;毒打,殴打22.炼(铁);揉(面)23.费力地通过;努力得到24.缝上;绣25.使发酵;使发芽26.慢慢除去;卖出;解掉(毒,闷气等);做完;发泄;制造;改进;印,印刷;塞给(假钱等);〈口〉杀死,勒死27.脱出,溜出;肠等排泄;(毒)解掉28.努力做好,刻苦完成;详细拟定(计划等);算出(总数);解,解决(问题等);掘尽,采完(矿山等);做工偿还(债务);〈美〉做工抵补29.算出,合计是,结果是 (at)

n.1.a job that someone is paid to do; the things that you do as part of your job; the time that someone spends doing their job2.activity that involves physical or mental effort3.a place where someone goes to do their job; a factory4.something that someone makes or does in their job; something produced by a writer, painter, musician, or other artist5.the repairing and building of something. You can also talk about works, and this has the same meaning1.a job that someone is paid to do; the things that you do as part of your job; the time that someone spends doing their job2.activity that involves physical or mental effort3.a place where someone goes to do their job; a factory4.something that someone makes or does in their job; something produced by a writer, painter, musician, or other artist5.the repairing and building of something. You can also talk about works, and this has the same meaning

v.1.to have a job, usually one that you are paid to do; if you work a particular area or type of place, you go to that area or to those places as part of your job, for example to try and sell things or to perform there2.to spend time trying to achieve something, especially when this involves using a great effort; to produce a picture or create an object using a particular type of substance; to make someone work3.to operate in a satisfactory way; to operate something such as a machine or piece of equipment4.to succeed; to have a particular effect or result5.to move gradually from one position to another; to put something into a different position or state6.to shape a substance such as metal in a particular way, especially using tools7.to solve a problem in mathematics by doing a calculation8.to prepare land and grow crops on it9.if someone works a mine or a quarry, they dig substances such as gold or stone out of it1.to have a job, usually one that you are paid to do; if you work a particular area or type of place, you go to that area or to those places as part of your job, for example to try and sell things or to perform there2.to spend time trying to achieve something, especially when this involves using a great effort; to produce a picture or create an object using a particular type of substance; to make someone work3.to operate in a satisfactory way; to operate something such as a machine or piece of equipment4.to succeed; to have a particular effect or result5.to move gradually from one position to another; to put something into a different position or state6.to shape a substance such as metal in a particular way, especially using tools7.to solve a problem in mathematics by doing a calculation8.to prepare land and grow crops on it9.if someone works a mine or a quarry, they dig substances such as gold or stone out of it

1.作品 招聘/ Recruitment 作品/ Works 婚纱摄影/ Wedding ...

2.工厂 keep on 继续(做某事);反复 works n. 著作,作品;工厂 civil adj. 国内的 ...

3.著作 言语或文章中的字〖 character;word〗 著作〖 writings;works〗 同本义〖 say;speak;talk〗 ...

4.工作 区段 section 工程 works 全性" adequacy,stabipty and safety ...

6.设计作品 奇逸品牌 Brand 设计作品 Works 奇逸团队 Team ...


1.A kind of mission of a photographer somewhere calls me to compile all my photographic works to communicate and share with you by the camera.冥冥中一种影人的使命召唤着我,我整理了半生所摄作品,旨在用镜头说话,与您交流和分享。

2."If it really works well, it could be a cure rather than a treatment, " he said.“如果这种方法真的奏效,那么将是彻底治愈而非仅仅是针对症状的治疗手段。”他说。

3.The point is simple, if extraordinarily difficult for those of us proud of our traditions to accept: this democracy no longer works.那答案很明了,即使对于我们这些以传统而自豪的人很难接受那样一个事实:民主不复存在。

4.This usually works for ultra-senior officers. This time around the media made lunchmeat out of him. The game has changed!这些做法对那些高管通常是有用的,但这次媒体却集体抛弃了他,如今的世道变啦!

5.Well, now we are finding these art works turning up in the most unusual places in London.这回,这些美术作品走出了层层保护他们的美术馆,来到了伦敦街头的墙上。

6.She is apve to the potential contradictions in all this for a No Logo author, and savvy enough to know how the system works.她注意到了这一切给一个写出《NoLogo》的人带来的潜在矛盾,也足够精明地知道这个系统如何运作。

7.The team will build software to help the pubpc contribute to the work of this charity, which works among the poor in Bopvia.该团队将构建软件以帮助公众向这个慈善团体贡献自己的力量,该团体工作于贫穷的玻利维亚。

8.Printed-circuit boards used to be works of art, and the PCB designer was an artist as well as a technician.在过去,一块印刷电路板就是一份艺术品,印刷电路板的设计人员不仅仅是一名技术人员还是一位艺术家。

9.Two weeks later, the books arrived, together with a set of the works of Charles Dickens which I had not wanted.两个星期后,抵达的书籍,连同一套狄更斯的作品,我本来不想。

10.The company has more than 20 master works with over 8 years of experience and a number of advanced embroidery machines.本公司拥有二十多名八年以上制版师傅还有很多先进的绣花机器。