




1.世界会议l pLENAry meeting),而非直接说要举行世界大会world conference)。

4.召开一次世界畜产大会际开放与远程教育理事会自1999年以来,在历届远程教育世界大会(world conference)上认定和发布的开放与远程教育“卓越院 …

6.世界童军领袖会议 WOSM 世界童军运动组织 World Conference 世界童军领袖会议 World Committee 世界童军 …

7.世界议会参与世界议会(World Conference),为太平洋区域团契(Pacific Regional Fellowship)成员。1963年2月28日 首队The Life Boys完 …


1.As I said, it is appropriate that this World Conference on Social Determinants is held in Brazil.如前所述,由巴西举办社会决定因素世界大会再恰当不过了。

2."Lumia means pght [and] a new dawn for Nokia, " Mr Elop told the Nokia World conference in London.在伦敦的诺基亚世界大会(NokiaWorldconference)上,埃洛普表示:“对诺基亚来说,Lumia意味着光明和崭新的黎明。”

3.In a world conference on AIDS, AIDS virus infection and AIDS patients urging people to understand.在一次世界艾滋病大会上,艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病人齐声呼吁人们的理解。

4.Maureen Reagan headed the U. S. delegation to the 1985 World Conference on the United Nations Decade for Women in Nairobi, Kenya .莫林。里根率领美国代表团参加1985年在肯尼亚内罗毕举行的联合国妇女十年会议。

5.A world conference was called at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D. C. , to try to revive the old system.在华盛顿的史密森学会召开了一个国际会议,以便恢复旧的体制。

6.Fifteen years ago, along with women and men from around the world I attended the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.15年前,我与来自全世界的男女代表一起出席了在北京召开的联合国第四届世界妇女大会。

7.These credits may be earned through attendance at chapter and World Conference educational programs, CMAA workshops and BMI courses.这些学分可以通过参加分会和世界大会的教育课程,CMAA研讨会和BMI课程。

8.Every two years, WHO co-sponsors the World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion.世卫组织每两年一次共同赞助举行世界伤害预防与安全促进大会。

9.Novell has sponsored REAL Software's REAL World Conference for the past two years.Novell则连续两年赞助REAL软件公司的REALWorld用户大会。

10.Han Guiying's works have been the Fourth World Conference on Women and the Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee Collection.韩桂英的作品曾被第四届世界妇女大会和北京奥运会组委会收藏。