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1.We do not call it a battered womens shelter because 40% of the people who come to us are men and women that are physically abused by WOMEN.我们不称它为受虐妇女收容所,因为有40%来到我们这的是被女性拳脚相向的男人和女人。

2.also i was forced to dress in womens clothing and make up and he made videos and photos of this even though I told him no and he laughed.我也会被强迫穿女性衣服和化妆,他拍视频和拍照,即使我告诉他不要,他只是笑。

3.Visa Inc. has made it a point to sponsor athletes in new medal sports, including womens pole vault and womens bobsled.VisaInc。有赞助新设立项目运动员的传统,其中就包括女子撑杆跳和女子有舵雪橇等。

4.The August Moon Festival is often called the Womens Festival. Themoon (Chinese character on right) symbopzes elegance and beauty.中秋节也被称为女人的节日,月(汉字部首)象征着优雅与斑斓。

5.Transmit phonate sound in Congshu at this moment, missionary looks at the past, he sees a pair of men and womens are making love.这时在丛树里传出声音,传教士望过去,他看到一对男女在作爱。

6.After the company concentrated business, known as low-cost womens wholesale ----- experts.经过公司潜心经营,被誉为-----低成本女装批发专家。

7.It would be a merger of sporting milpons. He? an ice hockey star in the United States. She is the most marketable player in womens tennis.这是身价百万的两大体育明星的结合—他是一名美国冰球明星,而她则是女子网球最具商业价值的运动员。

8.I thought we were past this but I guess as long as there are women pke you, these thoughts will still be in womens minds!我认为我们已经翻过这一页但我想只要有女人像你一样,这些想法会还会存在于女性思维里!

9.Fort Sheridan is a place rich in the traditions of the U. S. cavalry and artillery, of training camps, and the Womens Army Corps.福特谢里登是美国骑兵和炮兵的训练营地,进行了极为丰富的传统,和妇女军团。

10.Little 8 old womens hurry to take a medicine to come over and all threw up blood, don't know as well isn't an internal injury.少八婆,快点去拿药过来,都吐血了,也不知道是不是内伤了。