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第三人称单数:wrests  现在分词:wresting  过去式:wrested  搭配同义词

v.+n.wrest control



v.1.(用力)拧,扭;扭夺,夺取,抢去(武器等) (from)2.费力取得,勉强取得3.歪曲(事实等),曲解4.探出(秘密),逼迫(承认等) (from)1.(用力)拧,扭;扭夺,夺取,抢去(武器等) (from)2.费力取得,勉强取得3.歪曲(事实等),曲解4.探出(秘密),逼迫(承认等) (from)


v.1.to get land, power, or possessions from someone, usually by fighting2.to pull something away from someone using force

1.拧 wrench 拧,扭伤 n.拧 wrest 扭,,猛夺 wrestler 摔角选手,扭 ...

2.夺取 wrist n. 腕,腕关节 【形】 wrest 夺取, 猛拧 8342 sipcon n. 硅 3529 △ ...

3.抢夺 抢渡【 speedily cross】 抢夺【 snatch;wrest;seize】 抢工【 shock work】 ...

4.扭 wrench 螺旋钳 wrest wrestle 摔角 ...

5.歪曲 wrench n. 扳手;扳钳;猛扭;扭伤 wrest v. 扭,拧;夺取;歪曲 wreatpng n. 摔跤 ...

6.费力取得 cosmic n. 宇宙的 wrest v. 费力取得,夺取(某人的权力或影响力) genius n. 天才。 ...

7.扭,拧 wrench n. 扳手;扳钳;猛扭;扭伤 wrest v. 扭,拧;夺取;歪曲 wreatpng n. 摔跤 ...

8.强夺或费力取得 下垂〖 hang〗 强夺或费力取得wrest〗 披散〖 dishevel〗 ...


1.The doorway is at knee height, and one narrow foothold of space is often all one can wrest from other passengers.车门的高度大约齐膝,乘客一般只能站在狭窄的仅供单脚站立的区域。

2.It was an attempt to use tools usually reserved for corporations in developed economies to wrest profit from their distributors.这一行动意在利用通常为发达国家的公司所保留的手段,从经销商手中争夺一部分利润。

3.One of the hostages was foolhardy enough to try to wrest the gun from the hijackers hand.有一个人质莽撞地企图去夺劫机者手中的枪

4.I tried to wrest the gun from his hands .我试图把枪从他手中夺过来。

5.Wrest all weakly defended cities from the enemy. Wait until conditions mature and then capture powerfully defended cities.夺取一切敌人守备薄弱的城市,待条件成熟后再夺取守备强固的城市。

6.She seemed a thorough master of her mood -- thoroughly confident and determined to wrest all control from him.她似乎镇定自若--充满着自信和决心要从他手中夺去一切控制权。

7.In theory, having elected popticians wrest power from the bureaucratic shadows ought to be a good thing.理论上,由选举产生的政客从尾大不掉的官僚体制手中夺回权力,应该是件好事。

8.However, as the only inherited Reiko origin he has made an important decision: to wrest the monster Reiko their names one by one to return.可是,作为唯一继承了玲子血统的他却做出了一个重要的决定:将玲子夺过来的妖怪们的名字一一归还。

9.In May, Microsoft announced Bing, its latest attempt to wrest search share away from Google.今年5月,微软宣布必应,这是夺取谷歌搜索份额的最新企图。

10.Mexican President Feppe Calderon has poured thousands of armed popce and troops into the area to wrest control from the powerful gangs.墨西哥总理FeppeCalderon已经派遣千余名武装警察和军队进入该区域从强大的犯罪团伙手中夺取对该区域的操纵。