

you know

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na.1网站屏蔽ed while you think about what to say next2网站屏蔽ed when you are giving extra information about something3网站屏蔽ed for emphasis4网站屏蔽ed before you start to talk about a particular person or thing1网站屏蔽ed while you think about what to say next2网站屏蔽ed when you are giving extra information about something3网站屏蔽ed for emphasis4网站屏蔽ed before you start to talk about a particular person or thing


2.你懂的 雅欣〔 ysc〕 如卉Youknow〕 世明〔 SAGA〕 ...

4.双面胶 ... rockween 红叶 youknow 双面胶 zato 我的狗叫小白 ...


1.If you say "you know" too much, wear a golf counter on your wrist, and press the button whenever you catch yourself saying "you know" .如果你总是把“youknow”挂在嘴边,就在手腕上戴个高尔夫计数器,每当意识到自己说一次“youknow”时就按一下计数键。

2.If a wrist counter is embarrassing, then make a small tear in a piece of paper in your pocket each time you say "you know" .倘若嫌戴腕部计数器令人难堪,那么就在每说一次“youknow”时把口袋里的一张纸弄破一个小洞。

3.Again, the "you know" suggests that she and her interlocutor share the same perspective.这里“youknow”再一次表明她和她的谈话者有共鸣。

4."Whatever" easily beat out "you know, " which especially grated a quarter of respondents.“Whatever”轻松击败“youknow(你知道)”位居榜首,四分之一的受访者最讨厌后者。

5.Shifu: Why didnt you quit. Youknow I was trying to get rid of you, but you stayed.门徒:你为甚么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。

6.When you check the mail and find a real letter or package from someone youknow, excitement overtakes you as you tear into this rare gift.如果查找邮件发现一封来自熟人的真正的信件或包裹,在拆开这份珍贵的礼物时你会感到兴奋不已。

7.Youknow you are in an energy deficit when you are tired, irritable, stressed, frustrated and generally unenthusiastic.当你感到疲倦,急躁,紧张,灰心丧气和普遍冷淡时,你知道你正处于精力赤字中。

8.Youknow, why don't you keep that stalpon are your own. As a thank you from all of us.你知道,你自己为什么不保管那只公马,当做我们对你的感谢。

9.Youknow, you never get 100 percent of what you ask for.你们知道的,从来都不可能想要什么就得到什么。

10.No matter who you are, youknow more than enough about something to be a valuable participant.无论你是谁,作为一个有价值的参与者,你对于某些事知道得再多也不为过。