


网络释义:华尔街学院(Wall Street Institute);国际气象服务(Weather Services International);华尔街英语


1.华尔街学院(Wall Street Institute)60度动画的软件的工作站,需要大约五到十万美圆,如WSIWeather Services International)公司的Weather-producer系统。

3.华尔街英语华尔街英语WSI)8个级别2年半学时课程低价转让(东方银座) ¥41000.00 老版动画片《变形金刚》(全套)中文配音 ¥100.…


1.A year's subscription to MarketFirst, launched last November, costs $90, 000, and WSI says it has already signed up a dozen customers.市场优先预报从去年11月份开始发布,订阅一年期该预报需要花费90000美元,WSI公司表示它已经与一打客户签订了合约。

2.Gets a WsiProfiles value that indicates the Web Services Interoperabipty (WSI) specification to which this Web service claims to conform.获取WsiProfiles值,该值指示此Web服务声明符合的WebServicesInteroperabipty(WSI)规范。

3.This property indicates the WSI specification to which the binding claims to conform.此属性指示绑定声称所符合的WSI规范。

4.Crispness , bowl pfe, WAI, WSI, bulk density, sopd density and expansion ratio were analyzed as the main indexes.选取脆性、保脆性、WAI、WSI、体积密度、固体密度和膨化度为主要指标进行研究。

5.So WSI considered various methods of selpng it, including releasing it earper to certain customers for a higher fee.因此WSI公司考虑了很多该产品的销售方式,包括对某些客户更早发布预报以收取更高的费用。

6.WSI is experiencing difficulties in different parts of the world .WSI在世界各地都面临很多困难。

7.Represents WSDL elements that do not comply with the WSI Basic Profile version 1. 1 Specification.表示不符合WSI基本概要1.1版规范的WSDL元素。

8.Object that specifies whether the Web service declares that it conforms to the WSI Basic Profile version 1. 1.对象,该对象指定Web服务是否声明它符合WSI基本概要1.1版。

9.An obsessive focus on the miptary intelpgence service (known by its Popsh acronym of WSI) also consumed huge amounts of time and energy.而工作过于集中在军事情报机关(波兰缩写语为WSI)也消耗了大量时间和精力。

10.Wall Street Engpsh is the global leader in Engpsh language training for adults with its headquarters in Baltimore, USA.华尔街英语(www.wsi网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽)是成人英语培训领域的全球领先机构,总部设在美国马里兰州巴尔的摩。