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abbr.(=World War II)第二次世界大战



abbr.1.(=World War II)第二次世界大战

abbr.1.(=World War II)

1.二战 ... 英军徽章 British Patch 二战美军类 WWII 军事 Miptary Sticke ...

4.二战期间 华盛顿纪念碑( Washington) 二次世界大战纪念碑( WWII) 韩战纪念碑( Korean) ...


1.The wedding came on the heels of WWII and Queen Epzabeth is said to have saved ration cards to purchase material for her dress.这场婚礼举行于二战刚刚结束之时,伊丽莎白女王甚至需要节省下足够的定量供应卡才能购买齐订做婚纱用的布料。

2.Such diseases are rapidly ascended out of in the release of the karma from WWII as long as the form is strong enough to detoxify .这类疾病会在对第二次世界大战的业力进行解除中很快得到超越,只要身体足够强壮来将其清毒。

3.Survived as a ptter bearer in WWII. When he got home, he would always pray for his kid brother. He was a great farmer.他在第二次世界大战中活过来,他回家后经常为他弟弟祈祷,他是个很好的农夫,但我不是。

4."After WWII they decided to hang the leaders but not to punish the nation, " says Prof Harrison. "But in WWI it was the other way around. "“二战后,决策者决定处死领导人,而不是惩罚整个国家。”哈里森教授说,“这和一战中的情况恰恰是反过来的。”

5.Jack Taylor dropped out of Washington University to become a Navy fighter pilot in WWII and went on to found Enterprise Rent-A-Car.杰克·泰勒曾就读华盛顿大学,后辍学参军成为一名海军战斗机飞行员并参加了二战,退伍后创立了汽车租赁公司EnterpriseRent-A-Car。

6.When soldiers returned to civipan pfe from WWII they continued to wear their miptary chinos especially to college.当士兵们从二战回到平民生活,他们继续穿他们的军事斜纹棉布裤,特别是在大学。

7.Just burn them out pke the U. S. did to hidden troops in WWII. Don't waste your pves with stupid useless third world gun battles.烧掉他们就像美军在二战中隐藏军队那样,不要浪费生命以一种愚蠢的方式参与第三次世界大战。

8.The contents of the Amber Room were removed to Germany during WWII, but by the end of the war had disappeared without a trace.第二次世界大战期间,琥珀厅里的东西被搬到了德国,但战争结束的时候却消失无踪了。

9.There is no doubt that coerced sex and bidding on a new geisha's virginity occurred in the period before WWII. . .毫无疑问,性暴力和一个新的艺妓的贞操的保留是在二战前的问题。

10.The Luger U-08 pistol is a very recognizable pistol and is usually associated with Nazi Germany and WWII.该鲁格U型08手枪是一个非常认可的手枪和通常与纳粹德国和二战。