




1.小华 小住 stay for a few days 小华 Xiao Hua (年纪小的;年幼的) young ...

2.肖烨 ... Zhu Ruifeng 朱瑞峰 Xiao Hua 肖烨 Yan Peng 严鹏 ...

3.寸长东西3寸长东西(xiao hua) 2008-12-04 18:38 男人必须明白的22个道理 2008-11-30 10:22 我把乳房拿出来晒晒 2008-11-30 10:01 妓 …


1.Wearing their traditional costumes, the children of Xiao Hua Miao Zu welcomed BBA students as their teachers.小花苗族的小朋友穿上传统服饰,迎接由浸大商管生充当的「小老师」。

2.Xiao-Hua, why do not usually take my car to which bike?小华,你为什么不用平常那辆自行车来接我哪?

3.Fortunately, it recovered well. Xiao Hua decided to set it free in the sky, because the blue sky is its genuine home.现在,小鸟好多了,小华打算让它飞回蓝天,因为蓝天才是它真正的家!

4.The beginning of the new school term, from Yushu Xiao Hua and Xiao-Ming came to our school for one month Jie Du pfe.新学期伊始,来自玉树的小华和小明来到我们的学校进行为期一个月的借读生活。

5.Soppose you were xiao hua , Please write a noto of asking for leave to your teacher .小华因摔伤无法到学校去上学,要向老师请假,需要写请假条。

6.His original name was Xiao Hua, but, as time went by, Hua Hua, Da Hua and finally, Lao Hua, his name was changed with the growth of age.他最初的名字叫“小花”,后来随着年龄的增长,名字也从“小花”再到“花花”、“大花”、“老花”一路变化着。

7.Xiao Hua is going to do art projects on Thursday.星期四小华打算去做美术设计。

8.Allow me to introduce myself . My name is wang xiao hua.请允许我自我介绍一下,我叫王小花。

9.Hello! I'; m Xiao Hua. Hello! I'; m Xiao Li. Nice to meet you, Xiao Li. Nice to meet you, too, Xiao Hua.你好,我是小华你好,我是小李。小李,见到你我很高兴。小华,见到你我也很高兴。

10.Yang DH. Present investigation on etiology of pancreatitis. Zhonghua Xiao Hua Za Zhi.杨冬华。胰腺炎病因研究现状。中华消化杂志。