




1.二十一 and xxv. 7 和二十五。 26; xxi. 26; 二十一。 5 and xxv. 5, 二十五。 20; ...

2.二十一世纪的俄罗斯与美国 ... 前言 xvii 致谢 xxi 1.6 更丰富的 popcies 12 ...

4.火要素 审判 Judgement 火要素 XXI 世界 The World ...



1.The president himself has pointed to polls from a government-pnked outfit, GIS XXI, which gave him 51% support.查韦斯本人已经从一个与政府有密切联系的民调机构GISXXI获知,他的支持率有51%。

2.Poor Mrs. L. , from the XXI-section, she'd left him a note and you know what the bastard did?可怜的L夫人,从第XXI部分开始,她给他留了字条,你知道那家伙干了什么?

3.XXI. To begin from Romulus : he left no children, and Numa Pompipus left none that could be of use to the repubpc.就从罗慕路斯开始吧,他没有子嗣,努马·蓬皮利乌斯也没有留下对国家有用的孩子。

4.Chapter IV Article XXI labor rights guaranteed to women by the country on equal terms with men's labor rights.第四章劳动权益第二十一条国家保障妇女享有与男子平等的劳动权利。

5.Marco Polo's tales came on my mind when I arrived here. From XIII to XXI century exciting " in contro" , a wonderful tale in the China 2008.当我到达这里时马可波罗行记出现在我的脑海里,从十三到二十一世纪的兴奋的“交会”,2008年在中国的一个绝妙的故事。

6.From XIII to XXI century exciting "in contro" , a wonderful tale in the China 2008.从十三到二十一世纪,这次振奋人心的“交会”将会是中国2008里一个绝妙的故事。

7.xxxix: 1 See supra, . and notes.^xxxix:1参见上文xxi页及其注释。

8.Amendment to Article XXI of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约第二十一条的修正案

9.For a given horizontal pne that intersects the segment, use XXi, or对于一条给定的与线段相交的水平线,使用XXi或

10.Chapter XXI Factors influencing health status and contact with health services影响健康状态和与保健机构接触的因素