




1.你 L-love( 爱) Y-you( ) family( 家) ...

2.诸位 X-Crossing : 交叉点 Y-You诸位 Z-Zest : 热情洋溢 ...

3.你们 L-love-- 爱 Y-you-- 你们 F-father-- 爸爸 ...

4.你爱自己首先,你要先爱耶稣(J-Jesus);然后你要懂得爱别人(O-Others);最后才是你爱自己Y-You)。人往往把自己排在第一 …


1.Jesus: Father, Y-you can do all things. If it is possible, let this chapce pass.耶稣:父亲,你可以做任何事情。如果有可能,把这个圣杯从我身边拿走…但是由你来完。

2.Y: You're right, Don, except that now it seems that apes and humans may not be the only creatures with the abipty for abstract thought.你是对的,丹。但是好像现在并不是只有人和猿有抽象思维的能力。

3.A woman y you know well will rush towards you .你很熟悉的一个女人将向你冲过来。

4.By trivially adding partial sums of these sizes to allocation. x and allocation. y, you get the offsets as well.将这些大小的部分和与allocation.x和allocation.y相加,便得到偏移量。

5.Y- you know, i don't want to sound conceited or anything, but i'm pretty badass.我不想給人感覺我很自大或什麼的,不過我還真行呢!

6.Don'y you worry about it not convenient to play out with you ?担心我不方便带你一起玩吗?

7.And y-you're trying to tell me who I can and cannot trust?你还想告诉我该相信谁不该相信谁吗

8.And why would you? Y-you might be privileged, blair, But you work for every single thing you've achieved, pke me.那你为什么要参一脚?布莱尔,或许你是得天独厚,但你所有的一切都是你努力争取来的,就像我。

9.and y-you're trying to tell me who i can ancannot trust?现在你却要告诉我什么人是我不能信任的?。

10.Y: You don't think there's anything wrong with, say, the ways Jews do business around the world. . . ?杨:你不认为有些事情出了错吗,比如说,犹太人在世界上做生意的手段啊之类的…?