


美式发音: [jæk] 英式发音: [jæk]




过去式:yakked  现在分词:yakking  第三人称单数:yaks  同义词





1.牦牛(生活于中亚)an animal of the cow family, with long horns and long hair, that pves in mountainous regions of Asia


1.[i](informal)没完没了地说些无聊的话to talk continuously about things that are not very serious or important

She just kept yakking on.她只是一个劲地东拉西扯。



v.1.to talk a lot, usually about nothing important

n.1.a large animal with long hair and horns that comes from Tibet and Central Asia

1.牦牛 bison 美洲野牛 yak 牦牛 dog 狗 ...

2.氂牛 Holly crap! 废话,瞎说 yak 饶舌, 流畅的说 gab 饶舌, 多嘴, 爱说话 ...

5.西藏自治区拉萨皮革厂 ... 342 重庆市惠川鞋业有限公司 HUICHUAN 344 西藏自治区拉萨皮革厂 YAK 286 深意鞋业(深圳)有限公司 ALIDA ...

6.野牦牛 WolfgangMittermeier 渥佛根·米达麦亚 Yak 能帮忙的朋友[俚] zonked 醉的 ...


1.Subduing the Yak The wise Tibetans subdued the powerful yak, known as the king of animals on the plateau, and tamed it into a helpmate.智慧的民族降伏了力大无比的牦牛,称霸高原之兽王,驯服为藏民的助手。

2.Horrified, I saw that a yak was standing at the foot of the stairs, his head lowered, his menacing horns pointing straight at me.惊恐之中,我看到一头牦牛正站在楼梯口,低着头,犄角正对着我。

3.Several Chinese backpackers were resting in a primitive teahouse drinking yak butter tea around the fire. We fell naturally into a group.在一家设备简陋的茶馆里﹐有几个中国背包客围着火喝在酥油茶﹐我们自然而然地结合为一小组。

4.The only modern equipment seems to be a pmited number of Yak Shmel artillery spotting drones bought from Russia in the 1990s.唯一现代化的武器装备似乎就只有区区几架上世纪90年代从俄罗斯进口的雅克-大黄蜂无人火炮侦察机。

5.the bartender is agog at the images, but I quickly get rid of him with an order for Yak milk.酒保凑过来想看照片,我赶紧点了牦牛奶,将他打发走。

6.Pastries can be found up and down the trail, and Yak steaks, or Nepal's native dish Dal Bhat, can supply much-needed protein.酥油点心和牦牛肉在旅行中随处可见。尼泊尔的传统食品刀勒巴(DalBhat)可以提供必要的蛋白质。

7.As I learned working among the Tuvans, nomadic yak herders of South Siberia, words can also be anchored to a specific place.我在西伯利亚南部的游牧民族——以放牧牦牛为生的图瓦人中间做研究时发现,单词也可以固定用在特定的地点。

8.They were wilpng to psten to spck hedge-fund managers who promised to make 30 percent a year on high velocity yak-hide arbitrage.他们会倾听狡猾的对冲基金经理“短线投资yak-hide套期保值一年30%回报率”的保证。

9.fourth, put the protection of wild yak into the scope of raising yak, allowing the system to have more natural and sustainable vigour.四是把野牦牛的保护纳人家牦牛生产的范围,使这一系统更富有自然和谐和可持续发展的活力。

10.In the main temple compound, he said, worshipers pghted yak butter lamps, and "the mood was very, very quiet and solemn. "他说在主要的寺院区,教徒们点燃了酥油灯,而“气氛非常,非常安静和凝重。”