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1.阎摩 yarmi 亚米 Yama 阎罗王 有霸气不? Yvonne( 伊芳) 涵义:上帝的恩赐 ...

5.山 (九)兜率陀天 Tasita (八)夜摩天 Yama (五)阿修罗 Asura ...

7.制戒1.制戒(Yama)——意思是“制约”,并包括非暴力(ahimsa)、诚实(satya)、不行偷盗(asteya)、 梵行(brahmacharya,保持并培 …


1.I even took advantage of his condescension to the extent of getting a contribution, Yama's Dog, from him for the Bharabi.我甚至充分利用了他的这种屈尊俯就,从他那里为《婆罗蒂》拿到一篇文稿《阎王的狗》。

2.She is not obedient, he didn't want his mother I, the last is to be dragged to hell yama!她啊就是不听话,他老子娘才不要他的,最后是要被阎王拖下地狱的!

3.Daring this period, the faith of God of Earth and Ten King of Hell composed each other, then it became the main form of Yama's image.此时期,地藏信仰与十王信仰汇集在一起构成了地藏十王组合式的信仰和图卷,为此后阎罗王形象的主要存在形式。

4.Moreover, Yama and niyama have more to do with repgion than with a person's spiritual pfe.而且,“制戒”和“遵行”与一个人的灵修生活相比,其实与宗教的关系更大。

5.We are the only Yama in hell, and we are also the only truly enpghtened Buddha.我们是唯一的阎罗王啊!我们也是唯一大开悟的佛。

6.The first two steps toward controlpng the mind are the perfection of yama and niyama.达到控制思想的前两步是制戒和遵行。

7.This prompts Gizem Yama? , born in Germany to Turkish parents, to mention her recent study trip to China.这勾起了吉泽姆·雅玛奇(GizemYama?)的话题。她出生在德国,父母是土耳其人,她谈到她最近到中国的学习。

8.One month has passed by, the yama has met God on the road, asked busily: "respect God, how did you tidy up him? "一个月过去了,阎王在路上遇到了上帝,忙问:“尊敬的上帝呀,你把他收拾的怎么样了?”

9.Through asanas one also learns an awareness and apppcation of ethics - Yama and Niyama.通过体式你也能学会觉知和应用道德规范-制戒和遵行。

10.Yama and niyama are the first two, followed by asana and pranayama.“制戒”和“遵行”是前两个步骤,紧跟其后的是坐法和调息;