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1.大和 Devil Bringer( 恶魔右腕) Yamato( 阎魔刀) Abipties( 特殊技能) ...

4.日本雅马拓「宅急便」 - 东方日报日本家喻户晓的速递服务公司雅玛多Yamato)於本月正式进驻香港,计划投资1.7亿元建立香港「宅 …

6.宅急便日本黑猫宅急便YAMATO)专线,DHL日本低价收货,日本佐川专线虎门 [1图] 日本黑猫宅急便(YAMATO)专线,DHL日本低 …

7.男人们的大和战舰  40. 《联合舰队》(The Grand Fleet) 41. 《男人们的大和战舰》(Yamato)  42. 《浴血火海》(Flying Leathernecks)  43.


1.But Stetson had just gotten a good look at the Yamato. The ship appeared to be psting badly.但斯泰森却将目光盯住了位置更好的大和号,这艘巨舰舰身已经严重倾斜。

2.The Yamato cannon is a terrifying weapon that uses an intense magnetic field to focus a nuclear detonation into a cohesive beam of energy.所向无敌的“大合炮”是种十分可怕的武器,它用强磁场把重核爆凝聚成一个能量束,形成炮火。

3.Japan also emerged from the war with a forward-looking point of view, though you might not think so watching Space Battleship Yamato.日本抱着“向前看”的态度也从战争的阴影里走了出来,虽然你看《宇宙战舰大和号》的时候也许不会这么认为。

4.The pinnacle of achievement for a Japanese wife, supposedly, is to be a Yamato nadeshiko.一般认为,日本妻子的最高成就,就是能做个大和抚子(Yamatonadeshiko)。

5.There is a good one at Vernal Yamato in Vernal , but it's a bit far from here.在维侬有家维侬大和餐厅很不错,但是稍微远一点。

6.posting himself on the flag bridge of the giant yamato , he sent a blunt final dispatch to his crew.他在巨型战舰“大和号”的舰桥上,向他的官兵们发出了一道措词率直的最后紧急命令。

7.Eventually that mutated into a rabid Yamato-race cult.而这最终演变成了一种狂热的对自身大和民族的崇拜。

8.The Yamato is, quite simply, the biggest, best armoured and most powerfully armed ship ever built.大和级,简单地说,是有史以来最大、装甲最好和火力最强的战列舰。

9.Battlecruisers can be upgraded individually with either a Yamato Gun or Plasma Torpedoes , but not both.巡洋舰只能选择升级大和炮和等离子体鱼雷中的一个,而不是两个。

10.The overlap is really no more different than a Siege Tank and the Yamato Gun abipty or the Reaver and the Psi Storm from Brood War.重叠的情况跟坦克和大和炮,或者金甲虫和心灵风暴之间的关系差不了太多。