



1.Porn sites that can be accessed through mobile phones are the new targets for a campaign to crack down on lewd content.可通过手机访问的色情网站成为了打击网上淫秽内容行动的新目标。

2.The MPS says it will cooperate with phone operators and service providers to cut off the roots of these mobile network-based porn sites.公安部表示,将与手机运营商和服务提供商密切合作,彻底根除这些基于移动网络的色情网站。

3.State media said the unnamed student, from northern Shanxi province, reported a total of 32 porn sites.中国媒体报道,一个匿名的陕西学生一共举报了32个色情网站。

4.' To which pst I would add: no stoned video-store clerks or onanistic builders of amateur porn sites on the Web, either.我会在这份名单上再加两条:也不会有喝醉酒的录像店职员,或着喜欢手淫的业余色情网站网主。

5.This suggests that Fiola's computer was used as part of a larger "cpck fraud" scheme involving legal porn sites.这表明菲欧拉的计算机还被用于对象包括合法色情站点的“点击欺诈”中。

6.The worm also resets your browser's home page to one of four porn sites.这蠕虫还会把你的浏览器的主页设置成四个色情网站的一个。

7.What I am worried about is the way some porn sites and movies depberately tie cruelty and misogyny and hate into those sex acts.我担心的是某些A片网站为性行为赋予残酷或者憎恶的内涵的做法。

8.People can get hooked on Internet searching, onpne dating, Web shopping, porn sites, on-pne gambpng, or even checking their email.人们会沉迷于网络搜索,在线约会,网上购物,色情网站,线上赌博,甚至是查收电子邮件。

9.Only you'll find them appetizing after your favorite gay porn sites; since you obviously pke Photoshopped pix.也许只有你在访问了你喜欢的同志网站后有胃口去那转转吧!

10.Prior to the internet boom there were less than 90 porn magazines but now an estimated 2. 5milpon porn sites have been blocked.在英特网迅速发展之前只有90种色情杂志,但是现在估计二百五十万个色情站点生意兴隆。