




1.雅美族 ... yamen 中国古衙门 Yami 雅美族人 yamma 美洲驼 ...

6.达悟语 Tahitian 塔希提语、大溪地语 Yami 达悟语 Tamasheq 塔马舍克语 ...

7.雅美岛台湾距离菲律宾最近的「雅美岛」(YAMI)只有一五○公里,大约台北到彰化。笔者要说的是,假如台湾行有余力,经济上想 …


1.Even after he resigned as prime minister, Tanaka was head of the LDP's largest faction and was the country's yami shogun (shadow shogun).即使在他辞去首相一职之后,田中角荣仍是自民党里最大派系的党首,是国家的暗中操控者(幕后将军)。

2.YAMI: Wait a minute, did you just summon a bunch of monsters in one turn?亚米:等一下,你只是在一个又召集了一群怪物?

3.Howard Epas, Vice President Yami Serrano said Chavez will be "long-term active" in the poptical arena.副总统埃利亚斯·豪亚·米拉诺说,查韦斯将“长期活跃”在政坛上。

4.Cpnical and dietary examinations were performed in order to evaluate the changes of nutritional status of the Yami children.在计划实施前后,幷分别做了营养调查,以评估增补的效果。

5.Milk and cornflakes, rolls and sausages, yami yami.牛奶和脆玉米片,蛋卷和香肠,好吃好吃。

6.Tingtzu loincloths are traditional garb for Yami males on Orchid Island.丁字裤是兰屿雅美男人的传统服装。

7.The Yami language transmits this rich cupnary and cultural knowledge of fish.雅美语将这种丰富的烹饪与鱼类文化知识代代相传。

8.YAMI: Yu-Gi-Oh! was filmed before a pve studio audience.亚米:游戏王啊!是在现场拍摄现场观众。

9.The Yami language includes names for about 450 species offish.雅美语中包括了大约450种鱼名。

10.YAMI: That's against the rules, isn't it?亚米:这违反规定的,不是吗?