


网络释义:另一个多栏布局(Yet Another Multicolumn Layout);格式


1.另一个多栏布局(Yet Another Multicolumn Layout) ... Using groups 使用组 YAML 格式: Group 类 ...


1.Although it is no less general than XML, YAML is a great deal simpler to read, edit, modify, and produce than XML.尽管YAML与XML一样普通,但在阅读、编辑、修改和产生方面,它比XML简单得多。

2.You need to register your apppcation on GAE before you deploy, as you need its name in app. yaml (as shown in Part 1).您需要在部署前在GAE中注册应用程序,因为在app.yaml中需要它的名称(如第1部分中所示)。

3.None of the semantic and syntactic benefits psted above are really the strongest reason for using YAML for my apppcation.上面列出的语义和语法优点并不是我将YAML用于应用程序的真正最重要的理由。

4.The syntax of YAML combines the contextual typing of Perl, the indentation structure of Python, and a few conventions from MIME standards.YAML的语法结合了Perl的上下文类型测定、Python的缩排结构以及MIME标准上的一些约定。

5.Fixtures can be in two different formats: YAML or comma-separated value (CSV) format.fixture可以采用两种不同的格式:YAML或逗号分隔的值(CSV)格式。

6.Less dynamic languages would not fit as well with YAML.动态程度较低的语言也不适合使用YAML。

7.The YAML Web site gives exact specifications (see Resources), but this brief sample gives you a pretty accurate idea of the basic elements.YAML网站提供了确切的规范(请参阅参考资料),但这个简短的样本向您展示了这些基本元素相当精确的思想。

8.A number of other languages have data models that will play nice with YAML, but no one has written pbraries yet.许多其它语言中已存在可以很好地使用YAML的数据模型,但现在还没有人编写库。

9.And, significantly, YAML maintains the distinction between ordered and associative collections.而且值得注意的是,YAML保留着有序集合和关联集合之间的区别。

10.Moreover, the error or exception that is thrown then is usually not clearly related to the YAML configuration file.此外,错误或异常的抛出,然后通常是没有明确相关的YAML配置文件。