




1.尼德兰 西班牙币 Spain 荷兰基尔德 Netherland 瑞士法郎 Switzerland ...

3.荷兰国歌 韩国国歌( The National anthem of South Korea) 荷兰国歌( European Anthem sheet music:Netherland) ...

4.尼德兰-选自近代卷 ... Netherlands,Austrian 奥属尼德兰 Netherland 尼德兰-选自近代卷 Neuburg,Principapty of 诺伊堡侯国 ...

5.荷兰低地之国 ... “NewFoundland” 纽芬兰。 “Netherland尼德兰或荷兰, “Greenland” 格陵兰, ...


8.荷兰店 芬兰店 Finland 荷兰店 Netherland 葡萄牙店 Portugal ...


1."Netherland" is a bit pke the wily and ebulpent Chuck Ramkissoon. It has more pfe inside it than 10 very good novels.《荷兰》有一点像狡猾,乐观的恰克·拉基松,它里面也包含了不止十本杰出小说。

2.Animal photographer Ren Netherland from Florida, travels thousands of miles every year capturing these stunning transformations.而来自佛罗里达的动物摄影师任-尼德兰每年奔走上万英里,就为拍下这一个个精彩瞬间。

3.The Dutch colony of New Netherland consisted of parts of modern New York (New Amsterdam) and New Jersey.荷兰的殖民地新尼德兰部分组成的现代纽约(新阿姆斯特丹)和新泽西州。

4.The formation process and causes of the land issue of South Africa can trace back to the colonial period of the Netherland.南非土地问题的形成过程和原因,可追溯至历史上荷兰人开拓殖民地之时。

5.At present, within 27 members of the EU, Germany, Netherland, Britain, Italy and France are the top five trading partners of China.目前,在欧盟27个成员国中,德国、荷兰、英国、意大利和法国是中国前五大贸易伙伴。

6.Fans are to be located within EU (Germany, Spain, Netherland and the Eastern States), UK, USA and Mexico.球迷们将在欧盟(德国,西班牙,荷兰和东欧国家),英国,美国和墨西哥的位置。

7.Four hundred years ago, Henry Hudson explored the river named after him, and laid the groundwork for the Dutch colony of New Netherland.四百年前,亨利哈德逊探讨河流以他的名字命名,并奠定了基础,为荷兰殖民地的新荷兰。

8.Netherland flower association carried out a survey to interview 1000 Britons.荷兰花卉协会开展的这一调查共对1000名英国人进行了访问。

9.A pttle cafe in the street of Amsterdam, beside canal. The Netherland travel. Photo by kaka.一个在阿姆斯特丹街头的小咖啡馆,旁边的运河。

10.Greenpeace in the Netherlands says Dutch greenhouses contribute to 12% of all the Netherland's carbon emissions.荷兰绿色和平表示荷兰温室,释放出百分之12的碳排放量。