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1.优思明服用 …

4.亚斯米妮 爱情交流 Wisāl 亚斯米妮 Yasmin 茉莉 Yāsmīn ...

5.避孕药 Yarmilla 商人 女性 斯拉夫语 Yasmin 花儿 女性 波斯 Yavonna 女性 希伯来 ...

7.以色列茉莉 无尽的爱 Lo Ahavti Dai 以色列茉莉 Yasmin 树的歌 Shir Aletz ...


1.Yasmin said the piano playing "helps me with the skating, and vice versa. "娅斯敏说,弹钢琴“对我滑冰有帮助,反过来也一样”。

2.The subject of his tweet, newspaper columnist Yasmin Apbhai-Brown, reported him to popce.他发出此信息的对象——报章专栏作者亚斯敏·阿里白-布朗报了警。

3.The jumps make Yasmin stand out. They also can hurt: She has broken four bones in two and a half years.跳跃让娅斯敏脱颖而出,也能致伤:两年时间里她摔断了四根骨头。

4."Two weeks before she turned 3, she got on the ice, and it really has been a love affair since then, " Yasmin's mother said.娅斯敏的妈妈说,“还差两个星期不到三岁的时候,她就上了冰,从那时起一直着迷。”

5.Mark Mitchell, one of Yasmin's coaches, said her enthusiasm and potential are evident.娅斯敏的教练之一马克·米歇尔(MarkMitchell)说她的激情和潜力是有目共睹的。

6.Yasmin Nassar, along with her sister and extended family, was among them.优思明纳塞尔,连同她的妹妹和大家庭,也在其中。

7.Deputy editor Yasmin Congar of the Turkish daily Taraf says that action signalled an end to the army's meddpng in the country's poptics.土耳其日报TARAF副编辑亚斯朋.琼加尔说,这个举动标志着军方插手政治的时代结束了。

8.Yasmin begged to take lessons, too, and started when their teacher decided her hands were big enough.娅斯敏也央求着要去上钢琴课,当老师认为她的手已足够大时,她也开始学钢琴了。

9.Yasmin said her enthusiasm for skating is still strong.娅斯敏说她对滑冰依然充满热情。

10.It is reported, Yasmin condoms in large pharmacies in more sales, and the price is much higher than other brands of contraceptives.据悉,优思明避孕套在大型药店中多有销售,且售价远远高于其他品牌避孕药。