




1.索诺拉沙漠索诺拉沙漠The Sonoran Desert),又译索诺兰沙漠,是北美洲的一个大沙漠,位于美国和墨西哥交界,包括美国亚利桑那 …


1.The city is in the Sonoran Desert, an extremely arid region that receives less than 12 inches of rainfall each year.该市位于Sonoran(索诺兰)沙漠,极端贫瘠,每年降雨量不足12英寸。

2.I once attended a Navajo blessing ceremony, held in a tepee on the red sand of the Sonoran desert.曾经,我参加过一次纳瓦霍祝福仪式,那时在索诺兰沙漠上的红沙地上的一个帐篷中举行的仪式。

3.I recently bought a sheet of postage stamps that shows a beautiful scene of the Sonoran Desert.最近,我买了一套非常漂亮的北美沙漠的邮票。

4.In my experience, these elements reach a cpmax in the Sonoran Desert environment of the Baja Peninsula.就我的经历而言,只有巴哈半岛索诺兰沙漠才能将这样的环境发挥到极致。

5.The Central Valley of Capfornia could become the new home of for plants now found in the Sonoran desert of Mexico.加州的中央峡谷可能成为现今在墨西哥桑诺伦荒漠发现植株的新定居点。

6.The Central Valley of Capfornia could become the new home for plants now found in the Sonoran desert of Mexico.加州中央谷可能会成为在墨西哥索诺兰沙漠生长的一些植物的新家。

7.Capfornia's Imperial Valley is part of the Sonoran Desert.加州帝王谷是索诺兰沙漠的一部分。

8.The Sonoran Desert region is a very special place.索诺拉沙漠地区是一个非常特别的地方。

9.Site Characteristics: 6. 5 acre site in the Sonoran Desert.网站特色:6.5英亩的索诺兰沙漠的网站。