




1.叶 1.2.103 熊 Hsiung 1.2.104 Yeh 1.2.105 齐 Chi ...

2.是的 ... Do you bepve in yourself: 你自信吗 Yeh 是的 Do you get Motion Sickness: 你晕车吗 ...

3.她的名字是叶老师 ... She is Lynn. She is short. 她是琳。她很矮。 Her name is Ms. Yeh. 她的名字是叶老师。 ...

4.叶月瑜 ... Yao,Marjorie Ma 姚健丽 Yeh 叶赛侬老师 Yeh,Benny 叶庆国/张玉玲 ...

6.叶超雄 Yeh, 叶若鋆 Yeh, 叶超雄 YEH CHING-LONG, 叶庆龙 ...


8.叶荣宗 Yeh 叶荣元 Yeh 叶荣宗 Yeh 叶荣裕 ...


1.We were able to feel a mystifying charisma from YEH, who still had her short cut style from her previous drama.我们从仍旧是之前电视剧中短发的她身上感受到使人迷惑的魅力。

2.Money is real serious business pke church in, and I'm pke the money preacher, yeh, the money preacher, got that?金钱就像祈祷一样,是非常严肃的事情,不错,我就是一个守财奴,是的,就是一个守财奴,你还不知道吗?

3."Las' time I saw you, you was only a baby, " said the giant. "Yeh look a lot pke yer dad, but yeh've got yer mom's eyes. "“上一次我看到你的时候,你还是个小毛毛。”巨人说,“你看上去很像你爸爸,不过眼睛长得像你妈妈。”弗农姨父的牙关发出一阵得得的声音。

4.But his mother Yeh Huimei, noticed that the quiet, shy boy seemed to dance practically when he heard the Western Pop music she used to play.但是他的母亲石东生惠美、注意到安静的,害羞的男孩似乎舞实际上他听到这西方流行音乐她用来玩。

5.That energy going into the tsunami, according to Professor Yeh's estimate, was a bit less than that of an exploding atomic bomb.据叶教授的估计,位移所产生的势能又转化为海啸的动能,其威力比一颗原子弹爆炸略小一些。

6.Yeh Kai-hsin was a general on the side of the Northern warlords who fought against the revolution.叶开鑫是当时站在北洋军阀方面反对革命的一个将军。

7.Yeh and colleagues found that blood from hair sheep performed just as well as wool-sheep blood in standard tests.Yeh和她的同事发现,来自短毛羊的血液在标准的实验中能够得出同长毛羊血一致的结果。

8.Yeh, One night we go to a soldier place and a guerilla call out to me and give me a touch of something. . . and that was it.是的,某天夜里我们去了一个兵营,游击队员叫我一起抽,他们给了我一点……大麻。

9.Richard: Yeh. Sarcasm is losers trying to bring winners down to their level. That's step four in the program.理查德:没错。嘲讽是失败者试图把胜利者下拉到和他们统一程度的手法——也就是我课程里的第四步。

10."But yeh must know about yer mom and dad, " he said. "I mean, they're famous. You're famous. "但是至少你应该知道关于你爸爸妈妈的事情。“他说,”我的意思是,他们那么出名,你也是。