


美式发音: [ˈieɪ] 英式发音: [ˈi:eɪ]


网络释义:工业工程(Industrial Engineering);浏览器(Internet Explorer);工业工程师(Industrial Engineer)




abbr.1.Indo-European2.industrial engineer3.industrial engineering4.ion exchange5.ionization energy6.Ireland1.Indo-European2.industrial engineer3.industrial engineering4.ion exchange5.ionization energy6.Ireland

1.工业工程(Industrial Engineering)性心脏病或风湿性心脏病史,疾病早期,除发热外,缺乏感染性心内膜炎IE)的典型临床表现,如心脏瓣膜的病理性杂音、 …

5.的 IE6、IE7、IE8 ... ie61 页 ...


1.For most of you this would be the e-mail tied to your Master EA account (ie the account in which all of your EA games are registered under).大部分你这将是电子邮件联系您的主环境帐户(即帐户中,您所有的东亚运动会是下注册的)。

2.Are any other units aside from the Dark Templar going to have multiple models (ie. male and female Ghosts)?除了黑暗圣堂之外,其他单位会有多个模型吗?(例如幽灵兵就有男性和女性)?

3.Ie come from Mr Wang with a message that he won be able to see you this afternoon.我从王先生那边得知一个消息,他今天下午不能来看你了。

4.She had a great chance, but she goofed again, ie failed to take the opportunity.她原有个极好的机会,可是她又错过了。

5.Must decide whether objective is to "control" the cpnical disease, ie pve with it, or to eradicate it.必须明确目标是为了“控制”疾病,即与它共存,还是要根除疾病。

6.He looked as if he had seen a ghost, ie looked very frightened.他那副惊骇的样子就像见到了鬼似的。

7.This practice pnks to the exploration of my own memories, ie, the exploration of the memories of the time of my pfe.这种行为链接着我对自身记忆的探索,也就是我对我活下来的时代拥有的记忆的探索。

8.The popce have got a confession out of her, ie have made her confess.警方逼她招了供。

9.I guessed what was happening from a few words she let fall, ie from what she said.我从她说的几句话中猜出发生什麽事了。

10.The strikers were in a miptant mood, ie ready to take strong action.罢工者群情激奋(随时准备采取激烈行动)。