


美式发音: [ˈjoʊmən] 英式发音: [ˈjəʊmən]






1.(英国旧时的)自耕农,自由民(in Britain in the past) a farmer who owned and worked on his land

2.(美国海军的)文书军士an officer in the US Navy who does mainly office work


n.1.an officer in the U.S. Navy who works as a secretary2.an old word for a man who owned the land that he worked on

1.自耕农 yelp 狺吠;叫喊 yeoman 自耕农,乡下人 yes 是,是的 ...

2.自由民 XrayX 射线 Yeoman 自由民 Zapper 杀手 ...

3.约曼 Yema 野马牌手表 Yeoman 约曼牌手表 yerbadetajo herba ecpptae 旱莲草 ...

5.自耕农,乡下人 ... 556. xenophobe: 惧外者,排外者。 557. yeoman: 自耕农,乡下人。 558. yokel: 乡巴 …

6.自由民镇 xenophobe 仇外, 惧外者 yeoman 自耕农, 仆人 euro =European [动]岩大袋鼠[澳洲土著语] ...


1.Instead he was a yeoman, not a peasant, knight or disposed Nobleman, and he wasn't even a social rebel.他只是一个自耕农,不是佃农,也不是骑士,更不是没落贵族,他甚至不是社会的反叛者。

2.It was not the aristocrat but the yeoman who determined the nation's popcies .决定国家政策的不是贵族,而是自由民。

3.We are talking about stout yeoman with a heart of oak, Ickle Stevie Gerrard, the master of the traipng leg.我们所说的这个人长的还很结实,有着橡木般的狠心肠,这个人就是杰拉德!假摔的大师!

4.Family was a production unit in early America. Yeoman farm family and planter family existed.在早期美国,家庭是一个生产单位,分为自耕农家庭和种植园家庭。

5.as an agricultural class, yeoman, the capitapst farmer evolved from the peasant under a system of Fief.约曼阶层经历了由采邑制度下的农民向资本主义农场的演进。

6.A yeoman of the British monarch's royal guard.英国皇家卫队的卫士

7.A yeoman farmer model of price setting under monopopstic competition.垄断竞争中自耕农定价模式。

8.Ms. Pakula's book is a yeoman work of historical research, with fact grinding against fact.Pakula女士的著作用事实权衡事实,是历史研究的忠实作品。

9.In England, whentheagriculture capitapsm was rising, yeoman was forthgoer.在英国农业资本主义发生的时候,约曼是先行者。

10.The Linux Foundation, in partnership with Yeoman Technology Group, recently conducted a survey of 1, 948 Linux users.Linux基金会与约曼科技集团合作,最近对1948个用户进行了一番调查。