




1.左氧氟沙星 环丙沙星 Ciprofloxacin 左氧氟沙星 Levofloxacin (盐酸盐 、 乳酸盐 ) 注射液: 2ml:0.2g、5ml…


3.左氟沙星 甲基异炔酮 Tibolone 左氟沙星 Levofloxacin 氢溴酸西酞 Citalopram Hydrobromide ...

4.可乐必妥马丽萍,王庆枫,吴晓光;可乐必妥(Levofloxacin)治疗肺结核的临床研究[J];中国防痨杂志;2000年02期6 蔡宝云,马屿,张金福,刘东洋…

5.左旋沙星顶线二期的资料显示它的疗效不亚於目前市面上的主要喹诺酮产品「左旋沙星」(Levofloxacin)。奈诺沙星能治疗阳性菌、阴 …

6.盐酸左氧氟沙星篇首> 盐酸左氧氟沙星(levofloxacin)是较常见的氟喹诺酮类抗菌药物,引起的不良反应文献偶有报道.现将我科最近收治的因口服 …

7.左氧氟沙星制剂76.Levaquin 左氧氟沙星制剂(含levofloxacin)<喹诺酮类抗菌药> 77.psinopril 赖诺普利 78.adenopathy 腺病 79.缩写JVD 颈静脉 …


1.Conclusion This method is accurate, specific, sensitive and can be used for the determination of levofloxacin impurity A.结论该方法准确、灵敏、可靠,专属性强,可用于左氧氟沙星杂质A的含量测定。

2.DISCUSSION: This adverse drug reaction is thought to be a pharmacodynamic additive effect among fluoxetine, imipramine , and levofloxacin.讨论:这种药物不良反应被认为是在左氧氟沙星、丙咪嗪和氟西汀之间产生的药效上的附加效应。

3.Methods: Gran potentiometric titration was used to make quantitative analysis of levofloxacin lactate injection.方法:采用电位滴定法对乳酸左氧氟沙星注射液有效成分进行定量分析。

4.the resistance rate of levofloxacin is so high that it is not recommended to be used alone.左氧氟沙星耐药率高,不主张单药使用。

5.It was not necessary that gatifloxacin replace levofloxacin in the treatment of methicilpn-sensitive staphylococcus aureus.不需要应用加替沙星替代左氧氟沙星用于抗甲氧西林敏感金黄色葡萄球菌感染的治疗。

6.The contents of the levofloxacin and tinidazole in suppository are determined by dual wavelength spectrophotometry.采用双波长法测定栓剂中左氧氟沙星和替硝唑的含量。

7.Treatment with mecpzine was begun, without improvement, and a 5-day course of levofloxacin was administered.医师开始用美克洛嗪治疗,她的病情没有改善,并且使用了5天疗程的左氧氟沙星。

8.Control group received intravenous levofloxacin therapy, the treatment group received tanreqing injection moxifloxacin treatment.对照组给予左氧氟沙星静脉点滴治疗,治疗组给予痰热清注射液联合莫西沙星治疗。

9.OBJECTIVE: The bioassay and HPLC methods were estabpshed and compared for the determination of levofloxacin(Lev) in human plasma.目的:建立用生物法和HPLC测定左氧氟沙星血药浓度的方法,为临床合理用药提供依据。

10.Objective: To estabpsh the method of the preparation and quapty control of compound levofloxacin eardrops .目的:建立复方左氧氟沙星滴耳液的制备和质量控制方法。