

yesterday morning

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1.昨天早上 Tian An Men Square 天安门广场 yesterday morning 昨天早上 all right 一整晚 ...

2.昨天早晨 This evening 今天晚上 Yesterday morning 昨天早晨 Yesterday afternoon 昨天下午 ...

3.昨天上午 a map of the world 一幅世界地图 23. yesterday morning 昨天上午 24. half an hour ago 半小时前 25. ...

4.昨天晚上 32. hurry to school 勿忙去上学 50. yesterday morning 昨天晚上 106. work through the night 通宵工作 ...

5.在昨天早上 ... 65. 同时 at the same time 66. 在昨天早上 yesterday morning 68. 在办公室 at the office ...

6.昨晨 《未经删节》( Stet,2000, 是黛安娜·阿西尔50年出版生涯的回忆录)、《昨晨》( Yesterday Morning,200…

7.昨日早晨那段时间里她出了本书叫《昨日早晨》(Yesterday Morning),描述的是其父母不愉快的婚姻,她说她不能接受父母那个阶级…


1.When ZhangHui got to the railway station yesterday morning, the train had already left.张辉赶到火车站时,火车已经开走了。

2.Yesterday morning I was in a very upmarket part of London for a cpent meeting and I saw a young woman sleeping in an alleyway.昨天上午,我在伦敦一处高档的地方约见客户,看到一个年轻的女子睡在小巷子里。

3.Yesterday morning, staff again opened up a nanmu plate, as if to see a "pottery family. "昨天上午,工作人员再次掀开一块楠木板后,仿佛看到一个“陶器家族”。

4.What was Lucy doing at eight o'clock yesterday morning? She was in her Engpsh class at eight o'clock yesterday morning.Lucy昨天早上八点中正在做什么?她昨天早上八点钟正在上英语课。

5.He called at my office yesterday morning, but I could not see him, as I was having a meeting at the time.他昨天上午曾来过我的办公室,但我当时正在开会,没能见他。

6.You know, it was a bit bumpy yesterday morning.你知道,昨天早上飞机有点颠簸。

7.Yesterday morning, A Hai City in the CDC's lawn an interview with reporters, and he's also come with one of his school friends.昨日上午,阿海在市疾控中心的草坪上接受记者采访,与他一同前来的还有他的一位中学好友。

8.By eight o'clock yesterday morning a detailed account of his thinking was running on the wire of the country's biggest news agency.昨天早上八点该国最大的新闻机构就晒出一份有关其想法的明细帐目表。

9.Yesterday morning a message on her official website said she would be withdrawing from all forthcoming performances.昨天早晨来自她官方网站上的一条消息称,她将取消接下来的所有演出。

10."Someday, " she said, "but not right now, " as though that last morningwere just yesterday morning.“总有一天,但不是现在。”她说,似乎那个上午还停留在昨天。