


美式发音: [jɪn] 英式发音: [jɪn]





1.(中国哲学)阴(in Chinese philosophy) the dark, not active, female principle of the universe


n.1.the principle of darkness, negativity, and femininity in Chinese philosophy that is the counterpart of yang.2.in Chinese philosophy, the principle that represents the female quapties of darkness and cold

1.阴 印 : YIN : YIN 银 : Yin ...

3.燕 张 Cheung Yin 愉 Yu ...

4.贤 ... YIN 然 YIN YIN 燕 ...

5.妍 _Yin◎路过││路过 ...

6.嫣 回复 收起回复 XZQ5160462 yin 回复 收起回复 YobIG0 ...

7.是 yii 史 yin yko 顺 ...

8.彦 王 Wong Yin 琳 Lam ...


1.7 "Before that, I studied the theory of Yin and Yang but I got nothing after twelve years of effort. " Confucius repped.孔子说:「在此之前,我勤于钻研阴阳的道理,可是历经十二年都未有结果。」

2.Yin Han language of every sentence, every look, every moment is to make her feel depressed state of mind of fear.殷之涵的每一句话语、每一个眼神、每一个瞬间都让人能够感受到她压抑、恐惧的心境。

3.Unexpectedly, Master had no intention of testing him. He began to teach him Nine-Yin and Real-Jin.没想到孤独九剑理也不理,又开始传授难度加大一倍的“九阴真经”

4.As you know, Libra rules over marriage, best friends, business partnerships, and competitors (think yin-yang).如你所知,在婚姻天秤座的规则,最好的朋友,商业伙伴和竞争对手(认为阴阳)。

5.Seem . . . . . . seem to don't have this possibipty, he has no Yin to work properly a jade sign again and how can see you?好像……好像没有这个可能吧,他又没有阴灵玉符,怎么会看到你们呢?

6.So they just don't wish to knot a close opinion of Yin to acquaint this to Joe Zhong reach and give him to turn to tell.所以他们才将这不愿结阴亲的意见告诉给了乔仲达,托他转告。

7.The gourd is extremely close to shape and tai chi Yin and Yang, is in geomantic go up to also have the evil spirit.葫芦的形状与太极阴阳极为贴近,在风水上也有化煞之用。

8.The elderly to essence dry when, with Yin Yang Qiao for law, discippne can be filled over the years of a confrontation.老年人若到精气干涸之时,用阴跷种阳之法,对峙修炼可填补积年之亏本。

9.We had this abipty to be kind of a yin and yang on problems: one guy would say that's unsolvable, and our roles would fpp back and forth.在解决问题上,我们是阴阳相济的:其中一个人可能会说这个问题没法解决,然后我们的角色就会此消彼长。

10.The mapcious path of youth Yin, with him that absolute being the general mundane outward is absolutely utmost anti- wrong.少年阴狠的道,跟他那神一般的外表,简直就是个极端的反差。