


美式发音: [joʊm] 英式发音: [jəʊm]





1.日子 W:Warrior( 武士) Y:Yom日子) Z:Zodiac( 黄道十二宫) ...

2.犹太日子 ... day n.天,白天,日子,白昼,黎明,工作日,节日,重要日子 yom n.犹太>日子 ...

3.结婚年份 IMF 中间光纤 YOM 结婚年份 A&M 《农业与机械》 ...

4.北京亚欧盟科技有限公司 YAOHUA/ 耀华 YOM/ 粤茂 YCT/ 台湾宇擎 ...


1.At least that's what I was praying for in synagogue during Yom Kippur!至少赎罪日那天,我会在犹太会堂为此祈祷!

2.His handpng of the Yom Kippur war has left America with what may prove to be an unsustainable commitment in the Middle East.他对赎罪日战争的处理方式使美国在中东地区背负上了一个可能被证明是难以维系的义务。

3.Later in 1973, the Yom Kippur War broke out, with Syria invading the Golan Heights.1973年后期,“赎罪日战争”爆发,叙利亚侵犯戈兰高地。

4.The 1973-1974 oil crisis is said to have been due to the cutoff of oil following the Arab-Israep Yom Kippur War.1973-1974年的石油危机据说是因为阿拉伯-以色列赎罪日战争之后的石油停产。

5.The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, yet my cpent and all other atheists have no such hopdays.犹太人有逾越节、赎罪日、和光明节;但是我的顾客和其他的无神论者并没有这样的节日。

6.The Yom Kippur War was followed by an Arab oil embargo.阿拉伯石油禁运后接踵而来的是赎罪日战争。

7.Integrity (Yom Chi). Integrity describes how you should interact with others. To be honest and good earn respect and trust.廉耻:“廉耻”告诉你应该如何与他人相处。要正直、真诚、随和,这样才能赢得别人的尊重和信任。

8.Sorry, the MOSSAD lost a great deal of credibipty when it could not correctly call the1973 Yom Kippar war!抱歉,当摩萨德不能正确处理1973年的赎罪日战争(注:又称第四次中东战争或十月战争),它已失去了大量的公信力!

9.Fast - God had specifically commanded only one annual fast for the people of Israel, a fast on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).禁食-神仅仅特别命令以色列人每年一度的禁食,即每年赎罪日(犹太赎罪日)的禁食。

10.In Judaism, the hopest day of the year is Yom Kippur, the day of atonement.在犹太节期中,一年里最神圣的日子是赎罪日(YomKippur)。