



美式发音: [ˈembər] 英式发音: [ˈembə(r)]




复数:embers  同义词





n.1.a piece of wood or coal that is still hot and red after a fire has stopped burning2.the last moments or parts of something

1.余烬 embedment 埋置 embers 余烬 embezzlement 侵吞 ...

2.灰烬 ... Explode( 火球爆炸) Embers火焰余烬) Frost Jet( 冰霜曳射) ...

4.余烬餐厅 安瑞雅肯恩 Andera Kane 余烬情缘【限】 Embers 安东尼特史塔肯伯 Antoinette Stockenberg ...

6.火红杂志小编辑 ... PLAY/MUSICAL 表演/音乐剧 *EMBERS 火红杂志小编辑 *FINE ARTS 精品艺术 ...


1.The front windows bear the faint glow of dying fireplace embers . The children have already gone to sleep.壁炉的火快要灭了﹐前窗映着微光﹐小孩已经上床了。

2.In a similar way, some of these birds will sit over a hot surface, such as the dying embers of a fire, and spread out their wings.在以类似的方式,这些鸟类的一些开庭审理一热表面,如发生火警的垂死的余烬,传播了翅膀。

3.His brown, morose face, with its sullen brows, could be clearly seen in the pght of the glowing embers.他紧锁双眉,褐色面孔阴沉沉的,在通红的炭火的光亮中清晰可见。

4.If red dwarfs can be compared to the red embers of a dying fire, then brown dwarfs would be the smoldering ash.如果把红矮星比作一团熄灭的火焰的红色余烬的话,那么褐矮星就是闷烧灰烬。

5.I thought my encounter with Mrs. Smedley had cured me of my self-infatuation, but I see now that embers of insufferabipty glow within me.和斯梅德利夫人的交往使我不那么自我膨胀了,不过现在我发现自己又膨胀起来了。

6.At the end of the poem, the embers of my fire are about to be snuffed out.在诗的结尾,我生命之火的余烬即将熄灭。

7.Are you prepared to leave the den of darkness behind that the haloed body of pght may replace its dying embers?你是否准备离开黑暗兽穴,让笼着光环的光之身体取代那死灰余烬?

8.And it blew up and it blew burning embers into Mutondo's nice new tent. And it went up in a sheet of flame.爆竹在篝火中爆炸,炸飞的余烬落到穆通多的新帐篷里,火苗顿时腾空而起。

9.A few faint coils of smoke continued to rise from dying embers on the charred slopes below the village.淡淡的烟雾圈数持续上升,从垂死的下方斜坡村的烧焦余烬。

10.One of the men was heating something in a tin cup over the embers.其中的一人,正在余火的灰烬上用一个易拉罐在热什么东西。