




1.尹(Yoon)和西蒙森(Simonson)比较了不对称占优效应和折中效应下消费者偏好的差异,实验显示,前者比后者的消费者选择偏 …

2.允  美国Yoon)从西方角度解读了第7版胃癌分期:对监测、流行病学与最终结果(SEER)数据库中1.8万例患者数据进行分 …

3.林允儿1、林允儿yoon a) 生日:1990/05/30 身高:166 cm 体重:47 kg 血型: b 允儿是少女时代最先露面并给大家深刻印象的成 …

4.唯爱允唯爱允(yoon) 我的称号:无称号 男,广东 - 东莞 他的作品:《闪耀吧舞台》 《闪耀舞台》 详情 +加关注 0关注 0粉丝 0广播 0 …

5.允英崔允英 (Yoon)



1.Oh Yoon-min, who runs a recycpng company, said: "They are just trying to scare us but I do not care. "经营着一家回收公司的OhYoon-min表示:“他们只是想吓唬吓唬我们,但我根本没当回事。”

2.Mr Yoon's comments seem to be aimed at affecting market sentiment and real action will be taken after he sees the outcome of the summit.尹增铉的讲话似乎旨在影响市场情绪,他会在看到峰会结果后才真正采取行动。

3.However, he did not answer the question on whether the younger Yoon has left the country, the same report said.但同一篇报道还提到,他并没有回答有关儿子是不是离开了韩国的问题。

4."It was very easy to bring them together and offer the UAE a complete package, " says Mark Yoon of CLSA, a financial-research firm.法国里昂证券金融研究所的马克•约恩评论道:“这种一条龙运作模式可以为阿联酋的竞标项目提供完整的一揽子方案。”

5.Yoon Jeung-hyun, the fin-an--ce minister, has said the economy might expand this year, reversing an earper prediction.韩国企划财政部长官尹增铉(YoonJeungHyun)已表示,该国经济今年可能会出现增长,这扭转了先前的预测。

6.Yoon Boo-keun, the head of Samsung's TV business, planned to express a similar thought at the German trade show Thursday.三星电视机部门主管YoonBoo-keun计划在周四德国举行的交易会上表达类似的想法。

7.That's the process Belcher and her team, including doctoral student Yoon Sung Nam, the lead author of the new paper, decided to imitate.这是贝尔彻和她的团队所使用的过程,包括博士生尹圣南--新文章的主要作者,决定模仿的。

8.He humorously stated, "Yoon Sung must be exhausted moving back and forth in his house. "他幽默地说:“尹圣必须用尽,在他的房子里来回移动。”

9.Mr Yoon did not specify which measures were being prepared.尹增铉没有明确表示准备采取哪些措施。

10.Cho Yoon-sun, a GNP spokeswoman, says Wall Street's meltdown should give the president pause in his privatisation plans.大国家党一位女发言人ChoYoon-sun称华尔街的垮台应该使李明博总统停止其私有化计划。