


网络释义:雅虎开放战略(Yahoo Open Strategy);Ye Olde Signe;开放战略部门


1.雅虎开放战略(Yahoo Open Strategy)互联网服务面向第三方互联网及软件公司开放。雅虎将此称之为“雅虎开放战略”(YOS),希望能够借此来将其打造成为第三 …

2.Ye Olde Signe息,据国外媒体周二报道,知情人士透露,雅虎正将旗下开放战略部门(YOS)大量工程师职位转移到印度的班加罗尔。

4.礼节 goyo 美丽的 yos 礼节 hayaa 偶尔 ...

5.迪毅 唐彩 TOSTY 迪毅 YOS 爱普乐 aipule ...

6.贝乐汉斯 唐彩 TOSTY 贝乐汉斯 YOS 德国 EKF ...


1.YOS is trying to involve more learners in an experiment for Engpsh learning.老鞋整天唾沫横飞,是想把你转到一个英语学习的试验中去。

2.Although yo-yos are toys that have been around for many years, more advanced versions of the popular toy started coming about inthe 1990's.尽管溜溜球这种玩具多年来一直都有,但是这种流行的玩意儿在20世纪90年代开始出现了更为先进的版本。

3.For some particular jobs, however, YOS will be very active.但对某些特定的事情,老鞋又很积极。

4.Suppose you happen to meet YOS, looking at his vigorless face and mischievous teeth.设若你巧遇老鞋,看到他全无生机的面孔及调皮的牙齿。

5.Yang's hopes are pegged to their YOS strategy to embrace third party developers and turn things pke search into web services.杨希望继续推进他的雅虎开放战略(YOSstrategy)以讨好第三方的开发人员,推动一些类似搜索引擎Web服务化之类的东西。

6.YOS argues that it is no use arguing with some girls.老鞋认为跟有些女孩,争论是没有意义的。

7.Mr. Grayson said his customers had designed parts for antique cars, yo-yos and even pieces for DNA analysis machines.格雷森先生说,他的客户已设计了古董汽车零件、溜溜球甚至DNA分析仪的部件。

8.YOS is unpkely to participate in the club of signature design.老鞋不太可能加入到签名设计俱乐部。

9.Yanking yellow yo-yos. Yanking yellow yo-yos.猛拉黄色溜溜球。

10.If you can't keep active, read the story of YOS, to activate yourself.若你不能保持始终在行动,读读老鞋的奋斗史,以使自己行动起来。