




1.你回来了 ... Where are you going? 你要去哪里? You are back? 你回来了? I need to take a rest. 我需要休 …

2.你回来了哦 ... 1. 你放学了哦 You are back from school 2. 你回来了哦 You are back ! ...


1.And yet you are back in poptics, and you're even making headpnes again. Why don't you finally sit back and relax?你依然要重投政治,甚至重新成为头条.为什麽你临老不好好享受人生?

2.Boy: I'll be back in 2 weeks time. Give me a call when you are back. You know my number. Nothing has changed.男孩:我会出差2星期的时间,等你回来的时候给我个电话好吗?你知道我的电话号码的。什么都没变。

3.I am so happy to see that you are back on your feet after the operation.我非常高兴看到你在大手术之后身体恢复了。

4.When you are back to sunshine, only to see his own shadow.当你背对阳光的时候、看到的只有自己的影子。

5.The revolving door whooshes again, and you are back in the middle of the broken (and breaking) relationship.旋转门又启动了,把你拽会一段破碎(或即将破碎)的关系当中。

6.Joseph had one final word for the cupbearer: 'When you are back in favour with Pharaoh, please mention my case to him.约瑟替酒政解梦的时候,最后曾恳请他:「你再次得到法老恩宠时,请向他提及我的案子。」

7.Shelley : Anyway, we're happy that you are back in the single pfe again with us.雪莉:欢迎你还是回到我们女单身汉的队伍里来。

8.Don t get upset if your friends do not seem interested in hearing everything the first day you are back.你回来的第一天如果你的朋友看起来对你的故事不是很感兴趣不要灰心。

9.I am writing to confirm if you are back, and would it be possible to see you sometime next week?这里我在写信给您确认您是否已经回来,而且下周如果可能,什么时间可以见下面?

10.Today he told me that no one could bully you any more when you are back, because I'm here.今天弟弟跟我说,姐姐,回来之后就没人敢欺负你了,因为有你弟弟在。